
If somethin was solar powered, could it charge of a lamp or somthin???

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If somethin was solar powered, could it charge of a lamp or somthin???




  1. Depends on what you are talking about.   I can run my calculator off a incandescent light (but not a flourescent one).   I can't charge a solar radio off it though.

  2. Photovoltaic cells (solar cells) are not very efficient, I believe they're in the neighborhood of 15%.  Light bulbs are also not very efficient.  So you're taking energy, and losing energy to make energy at an inefficient rate...  You could probably have a light powering a solar cell which powers a light which powers a solar cell which... so on and so forth, but each time the light is going to be dimmer until you've lost all of your initial energy to inefficiency.

  3. solar power is when you take the suns rays, shine it onto a pannel to generate energy wich turns turbins wich then creates electicity, so yes it could power a lamp i guess.

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