
If something's not written in scripture, does that make it untrue?

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In regards to "Do you believe in the rapture?",one answer was,

"No, that word does not appear in scripture." Just because something is not in the scripture, doesn't mean it doesn't exist or won't happen. There are a lot of things written in scripture that aren't true, granted, some of it is, depending on how loosely the parables are translated. Scripture can be interpreted an infinite number of ways, the words can be bent and twisted to conform to whatever you choose to believe.

Check out your Nostradamus, all his predictions have come true. Unfortunately, America will soon reach it's demise and WWIII is inevitable.




  1. yes it is untrue. Just as the computer and internet you're writing on is also untrue - check your scripture - not word one about the information revolution - therefore - not true - any of it!

  2. Scripture is about God and what God expected human to live with.

    Outside the scripture is our human lives in free will. You can live with whatsoever you like and speech with whatsoever you want to say. This is freedom of speech.

    In fact, scripture may not be true because it would be corrupted by Satan and human during such long history.

    For example, in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus suggested do not resist evil. However, Paul asked his people to resist evil. It was so easy to change the "do" to "do not"

  3. actually there is only one way to interpret the bible here a little there a little line upon ,line upon line you let the scriptures interpret themselves its a fallacy to think that you can interpret scriptures in a million ways and still make sense there Is no place in scriptures that says that scotty is going to beam you up and in Amos it says to the law and the prophecy if they speak not according to this there is no light in them and if you go back to the original language you can get the pure word try using a Strong's concordance before you speak without knowing what your saying If you graduated High School and know about grammar and proper syntax you can figure it out

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    If it is not from the original "Masterpiece"

    If it was written with blunders and slip-ups with human errors with self lack of knowledge back in the past.

    Would one blindly follow the blind?

    Getting oneself kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy with rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones who was past dirty old men like you and me in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. Mr. Floppy's right.

    If you believe Christianity, you have to accept the Bible as the literal word of God.

    Well, it's *literal* then that means you should only follow what it says. You can't make up stuff, because thats putting words in Gods mouth. (Assuming God has a mouth, can talk, is a dude)

    Also, the reverse of that, "If something is written in scripture, does that make it true?"

    Do you kill g*y people and prostitutes and innocent kids?

  6. You are partially right; scripture can be twisted to show pretty much anything.

    As a previous poster said, it could be used to justify killing prostitutes and other "riff raff."  Because there are some scriptures that say its God's law to kill them for going against God's law.

    But if you cross check scriptures, they all form an agreement.  You can have one scripture say multiple things depending on interpretation.  But you read a second scripture and it only agrees with say, three of those interpretations.  You read a third scripture, and all three together say only one thing.

    Now if you read a fourth scripture and it looks like it is saying two different things; how do you know which one is right?  Well, you look at the other three.  One interpretation of the fourth scripture disagrees with the other three entirely; the other interpretation agrees with the other three entirely.

    Which interpretation do you go with?  Of course, the interpretation of that fourth scripture that agrees with the other three; and by doing this you know the Bible says only one thing.  Even though read separately they could mean any number of things; when read together they mean only one thing.

    The Bible is very clear when read this way.  You must find the interpretations that fit for every scripture, not just some.  Then you will understand what God was trying to say.

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