
If something bad happens to a person do they deserve it?

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if somethng unfortunate and heart breaking happens to a person is it because they deserve it???? what could a person do to DESERVE being hurt??? if they dont deserve it then why does it happen??




  1. mi answer might be like somebody elses answer but anywayz if somethin bad happens to a person they might and might not deserve it, inou its naciboun, in life people get hurt, nd yu probably know that, nd if they dnt deserve it, it happens because it might be better for them, maybe itll teach them a lesson b4 they get hurt, or they might have already been hurt but still yu learn from your for an example this is kinda way off topic but kinda in a way related to this , like the ppl in africa dying nd in need of food??do they deserve wats happening to them??i really dnt get it bas i guess its their is pretty bad nd nice at the same time...

  2. Skyblue is right, sometimes bad things happen to good people in order for change to come.  You will be surprise at how you'll look back and realize you were glad that "bad" thing happened.  Some bad things happened that is not attracted and your right it's not fair, but if you are alive to see the change and do something about it, then do so. Good luck I hope you work things out!!  

  3. good and bad things aren't deserved. everyone has their ups and downs and in life there is no way by being a good or bad person can change that. so anyone has to be prepared and know how to deal with the situations correctly.

  4. It's Allahs' will, we shouldn't question it. Sometimes something happens to us that we think is horrible, but it ends up being good for us. Allah knows best.

  5. No one deserves to get hurt but sometimes things happen to us that we don't understand until time passes and we know that those difficult moments built our character and made us stronger to face harder things in life.

  6. KARMA

    EDWARD ANTHONY MASEN CULLEN<33333333333333333

  7. To quote the Bible, it says "Time and chance happen to all".  Bad things do happen to good people .  I don't think that the bad things really happen because a person deserves it.  Bad things might happen simply because of chance, bad planning, the will of another person, or many other varied reasons.  

    But then again, God may ALLOW something bad to happen for a greater good.  We simply have no way of knowing.  

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