
If something happened to McCain after he gets into office, would Palin do what Obama’s done? ?

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Pick a VP as an advisor who knows his/her way around? Possibly a Washington insider just like Obama did? Perhaps not one that is obviously as entrenched as Biden is, but surely someone with capabilities.

So what’s with this outcry with regards to inexperience?




  1. No worries. McCain will peacefuly die in December as a private citizen while Obama will lead the nation.

  2. Palin the VP has more experience than Obama the Pres candidate.

  3. All this right after the Obama campaign complained about McCain hounding them over experience.  Amazing they would pick the issue right back up.

  4. Hard to say what the independent thinker Sarah Palin would do, most likely what would be the best thing for the ccountry she is a very remarkable woman

  5. Well lets hope we do not have to cross that bridge and lets just for the moment well savor the moment,  I think its an excellent choice an ace.  Wow what a checkmate and in your face choice by the McCain camp. Shes an accomplished woman an excellent politician a fighter a sure winner a reformer. A no nonesense tough as nails fighter for truth and justice who will shake the walls of Washington and goverment as usual across the country.

  6. I kind of like the idea of her choosing another Washington "outsider."

  7. I trust that Palin would NOT do what Obama would do in a heart beat;

    and that is do the unconstitutional. Add to the fact that the majority within the House and Senate (that being Democrats) would obviously turn a blind eye while Obama does the unconstitutional!

    Palin, I at first never even heard of until today, seems more than likely to obey the Constitution. As a matter of fact, she is a member of the NRA, like me. So that tells me that she would defend the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution. Obama would rather do away with it altogether.

    At this time, I do not know where Palin stands stands on the fairness doctrine. But, Obama would rather for those that  oppose the liberal point of view have them locked up.

    We saw the reaction that the Obama camp gave when the issue came up about McCain owning  several homes. Nothing that goes against the right to own private property which, by the way, is mentioned in the Constitution. This right is mentioned in the 5th Amendment of the Constitution. Obama is against the right to have private property.

    Obama would rather turn this country into a police state by outlawing the right to own firearms, and the right to defend home against unwanted intruders. Obama would rather protect the criminal, and jail the person that was defending his family against the said intruder. By the way, that reminds me, I better get to the local Bass Pro Shop and buy me that Hand Cannon S&W 500 just in case, God forbid, that Obama does get elected, and outlaws ALL handguns! In the Liberal/Progressive/n**i's mind if my house was to be broken into, and I shoot and kill the unwanted intruder, I would be the criminal, and the intruder would be the innocent victim! Now, in Palin's mind I am the person that refused to be the victim.

    You see, I could go on about the more than likely unconstitutional acts that Obama will do! One must remember that he is a bonnified liberal through and through! Don't get me started about Taxation without representation! One should remember; that is a give that the liberals, especially Obama, and Biden would do to feed their SIGs (Special Interest Groups) because of the liberals like; Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Murtha all love a people dependent upon their government like an heroine addict feeding for more herione!

    Need I say more?!! Yes, Yes, you sheeple will beller out "he will get us out of an ungodly war in  Iraq!" All at the same time, he would rather destroy The Constitution of the United States of America! And if you are the type that screams out "it is an out dated document!" My suggestion is that you had better study what it says word by word, line by line, paragraph by paragraph.

    I hoped that all this answered your question.

  8. The Obama camp hasn't a leg to stand on.  McCain is the top man here.  He didn't need a VP with more experience than himself, like Obama did.  Shocking, a VP candidate who has more experience than the opponent's actual presidential candidate.

    Their pitiful attempts to criticize McCain for picking a 'novice' just backfires.  She's running in the #2 position.  Obama, the novice, is going for #1.  Big, big difference.

  9. Starting with more experience than Obama is a good start. No one would guess what Palin would do.

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