
If something on the scale of the WTO or G-8 is done right will people freely not protest or oppose it?

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Doing it right would at least have to mean addressing everyone concerned so they are satisfied with how the process is conducted and the what the end goals or results will be as well as the means used to get to those end results. They at least would have to be honorable, legal, fair, just and effective. Wouldn't this be a way to perfect these types of undertakings and there results?




  1. People will protest, protesting has become a thing to do, a rock concert with a mission, a pilgrimage to cleanse the soul and to reassure ones self that they have done something to make the world better. It is like wearing a pink ribbons will help prevent aides, reduce homlessness and poverty, and to shove the entire blame for the worlds problems on a select group, the evil eight who are the bringers of despair into this world.

    I myself am protesting the G8 protest by not going to the protest. Think of the money wasted on having the protest that would be used to end world poverty. If we did not protest then there would be less police and less cost for the G8 so even more money could go to Africa, or Aides, or the Whales. Where's Bono, wheres' Gandolf or Geldof.  

    Why there must be a million dollars into portapotty rentals alone.

  2. Done right, according to whom?  There will always be opposition to any direction taken.  Look at any issue that has people emotionally involved, and there will be opposition and protests.

  3. They will always be protested no matter what. You physically cannot please everyone.

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