
If something was sent down, then something sent it? Also why would I want to change it?

by  |  earlier

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Unless of course there is a purpose?




  1. What a great question. All I can say is watch this video. It is very moving and might help in answering your question. Best wishes.

  2. Well if you are an editor of a magazine (on the 1sr floor) and someone (from the 4th floor) sends down something to you, then of course you might want to change it.  It would be your job to.

    Do you have a point?

  3. LOL

  4. If something was sent with intent, was it meant for you?  The Planet?  The core?  Whatever was received (whether through intentional application to man or as a byproduct of another purpose) should be investigated; the purpose may be even that.

    Adaptation is a key theme in most structures (massive and molecular), whether to planetary structures or crystal networks, crustaceans or parrots - is your purpose to divine the nature of what came down or even to absorb it?

      I don't personally believe it came from any being in particular.

  5. Some restaurants in older buildings put the kitchen on the second floor.  And you would want to change your order because they got it wrong.

  6. What are you talking about?

  7. Sent down?  So, since snowflakes come down, "something" sent them?  Really?  Each individual snow flake?

    And why you would want to change it?  Um, so snowplows are bad?

    I am really not following this question.

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