
If something were to happen to your parents would you be willing to care for your siblings?

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If something happend to your parents would you be willing to care for your siblings? What if you were given a certain amount of money each month?

If you have no younger siblings would you be willing to take care of your older siblings future children if something were to happen to them?

If you have no siblings would you be willing to take care of them if you did?




  1. my siblings and I are all grown.  

    My brother and I were too close in age for me to be responsible for him when our mother died so he went to live with our father.  And even if I had been allowed to take him in, I wouldn't have because he was into heavy drug use at the time and running with gangs and I wouldn't have been able to control him, provide for him or keep him safe.

    Now that we are adults (he finally sobered up and walks the straight and narrow), yes I would take his children in if something happened to him and his wife (as a matter of fact, they have stated this in their will).  Our half sister is not competent to take in his children (she lost custody of hers to her ex and one of my brother's is a special needs child) and my SIL is an only child and her parents are too elderly to manage 3 children now.

    the money is only a small part of the issue.  Then I would have needed assistance.  Now I know the assistance is there for them but I don't need it if wasn't.  For me it's about  whether or not I am able to provide what is needed emotionally and physically and guidence-wise.  I wasn't prepared in any sense of the word when I was younger.  I am now.

  2. well i've been playing dad to my two younger sisters since i can remember because our dad isn't what most people or even social service would call father material so i would have no problem doing it

  3. Well considering the fact that i am the youngest, I have a older brother who is 19. That wouldn't really be a problem for me.

  4. Well, my younger brother's an adult, and he can probably take care of himself better than I can take care of myself. As far as my little sister goes, my first instinct would be to see if she'd rather end up moving in with my brother or me, or if she'd rather live with some friends while she finishes up her last year or so of high school - if she wanted to live with friends, however, I'd make sure to provide for her as much as possible (ie, clothes, school supplies) and provide the family she's staying with money to help with costs such as food and higher utility bills. I mention this because my brother and I both no longer live at home, and she'd have to move away enough that she wouldn't really be able to see any of her friends at all, and switch high schools, and all that, so knowing her she probably wouldn't want to stay with us. But, if she did, I'd figure something out...  

  5. Yes of course. Siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends kids if needed.

  6. Let me tell you something: In today's society we as a people have forgotten how to be loyal & respectful & loving as a whole! I do think that you should care for them, as a member of the family...It should be done, as a gesture of love & a matter of ones responsibility!

    We should do well to our fellow human beings who aren't family too, unless we do that...Without that...We die spiritually inside! What we do to our family or don't do we'll act out onto others!

    And that is why it is essential to help.

  7. I had to take care of my Mom. For three years. It was a job that I would not want to wish on anyone. But if I had to care for younger siblings I would. Family is far to important to ignore.

  8. my younger siblings are at an age where if anything happened to my mum and stepdad(their dad) they are able to look after themselves but I would call in all the time to make sure they were ok and didn't need anything (they are aged 18 and 19),If anything happened to my older brother and his girlfriend I am not sure exactly what I would do as I already have 3 young boys (aged 3,2 and 6 months)and he has 4(all boys) around the same age as mine(6,3 and twins 12 weeks old) I am not sure how I could handle 7 children all under the age of 7 when I am only 24 years old myself,I could prob handle it if I was put into that situation as I wouldn't want my nephews in foster care and most likely split up,I guess my family would all pitch in and help out

  9. yes definately

  10. Yes i would definately take care of my sister, with or without money each month. i mean i love her.

  11. I have one younger sister and if something happened to our mom and dad, I would definitely be willing to take care of her.  Same thing applies if something happens to my sister-in-law...I'd be willing to take care of her soon-to-be-born little boy.

  12. It would depend on what age i was and on my financial situation.

  13. Yes to all three. No matter the situation i would be able to care for any member of my family if they needed me too. Even if i wasnt given the money. i dont have alot of things to offer, but i can offer them experiences and alot of love and yes you can survive on love.

  14. No way! He's 38, and if he needs me to take care of him, then he would be a real failure at life.

    However, if something happened to my parents while we were both young, yes, I would have no problem taking care of him.

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