
If space, time, and matter all came to be at the same moment?

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and the amount of matter is finite, then could space also be finite? .............could dark matter be nothing? could space be torn and light follows the space around this nothing giving the appearence of something with gravity bending the light?




  1. A) Space and time could possibly be finite, and certainly would if there was a moment of creation. The true question is: was there a point of creation or not. If the answer is no, which more and more scientists are leaning towards (not that they're ruling out the big bang, just suggesting that it is part of the cycle of the universe/(s)), then time and space would indeed be infinite.

    B) Potentially, dark matter could be nothing, merely a reflection of mankind's current misunderstanding of the true nature of gravity (it wouldn't be the first time). Most likely however, it exists. We simply haven't yet discovered what exactly it is. Modern science tells us that it could be made made of matter particles not yet discover, that do not interact with electromagnetic radiation. It could also be explained as the gravitational  effects of an alternate universe very near to our own.

    C) Space-time is very often torn, but only on the quantum level, so the produced effects would not simulate large amounts of photons under a massive gravitational pull.

  2. Dark matter is definitely not "nothing".  It's just a form of matter that interacts primarily through gravity.

  3. I think this is what we would call a popourii?

  4. Dark matter is filled with energy, gravitational energy converts into heat, this is how a sun becomes hot, it can't come together all at the same time. It starts with a soup of conditions such as lightweight electron-positron pairs, energy, gas, inflation, gravity. Without expansion nothing would last.

  5. I think most cosmologists do believe the universe is finite.  There are a couple of reasons for believing this.  It is probably finite and unbounded.  That would imply that it has a finite amount of mass.

    I'm not big on dark matter, either.  I've seen two proposed examples of evidence in its defense and I have questions which I have been unable to get answers to, yet.  But I think the notion of dark matter is bogus.  Sure, there is a lot of matter in the form of cold gases, planetary bodies, cool stars, black holes, and massive neutrinos, but these are NOT "dark matter."  These things have already been generously estimated in attempts to figure the mass of the universe.  Dark matter is supposed to be matter like none we have ever seen.  It doesn't interact with regular matter and it is completely invisible.  But it supposedly has gravity.  Sorry, but I'm not buying it.

    As far as bending of light, I do believe massive objects cause that, in accordance with the theory or relativity.  I do NOT believe dark matter could cause such bending, since it is supposed to be very diffuse.

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