
If straight people always say that marriage is between a man and a women and sacred.?

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How come the divorce rate is over 50%? If marriage is sacred and before GOD, then how come straight people are always getting divorces?




  1. God does not condone divorce (except for adultery) nor g*y relationships. Not all people that marry are Christians, and just because someone is a Christian doesnt mean that they dont sin. The Bible specifically states that marriage is between a man and a woman. The book of Romans refers to same s*x relations as "vile" and "ungodly" behavior.  

  2. Whether marriage is sacred or not, or whether your god has anything to do with it or not, people are human beings...bottom line.  We don't come with "operating manuals"... sh*t happens and can break people up.  That is the reality of marriage....  

  3. What are you trying to argue? The BIBLE not "straight" people say marriage is for a man and a woman. And unfortunately, people get married and don't take it seriously. I am for g*y marriage and anything else people want to do. Because the Bible also says not to judge.

  4. In today's society couples are getting married to the wrong person at the wrong time for all the wrong reasons.

    They think they're in love, because they had good s*x or because she became pregnant or because they want more money!

    Marriage used to be with love, respect, trust and communication.  They didn't have s*x the night they met and accidentally got pregnant.  They dated different people so they knew when the right person came along.  Then they fell in love and that's when they were married.  Raising a family naturally followed.   They used to take care of each other, not themselves.

    Today children are getting raised and they know absolutely nothing about love and marriage so then they do the same thing to their children.

    It's really sad.

  5. They are selfish, and part of the "me" generation. Marriage takes hard work, give and take. If both are stubborn, then the marriage is sure to fail. Some think it`s easier to run away than face and fix their problems, move into another relationship and find the exact same as the last relationship, then run away again. Marriage is what you make it, if you don`t try to fix and work as a team, surely you will fall into the statistic. Being in a g*y relationship would be no different, I`m sure the rate is about the same.

  6. Sometimes life gets in the way, you stop spending time together, stress, frustration, anger, money issues, affairs, lack of s*x ect. There are so many factors, I dont agree with divorce, if anything I'm trying to avoid it like the plague, but sometimes its inevatible. Love, promises, hate and pain, these all contribute. If I had a way to win my ex back I'd do it - not sure how but marriage is of compromise, work and dedication from both parties, guess I'll be another statistic! :o(  

  7. If you could find the stats for religious married couples, you would see the divorce rate is but a fraction of that for the whole groups of married people lumped all together.

    "According to Barbara Whitehead and David Popenoe's The State of Our Unions, the following factors help reduce a person’s risk of getting divorced:

        * If you wait to marry until you’re over 25 years of age, your risk of divorce decreases by 24%.

        * If your parents are happily married, your risk of divorce decreases by 14%.

        * If you have strong religious beliefs, your risk of divorce decreases by 14%.

        * If you’ve attended college, your risk of divorce decreases by 13%."

  8. thats a good point actually

    im straight and that wat i think asswell its not fair that people who are biosexuals or lesbians or g*y cant have a normal life as a couple..

    i think people nedd to stop judging each other and get on with it..

    i mean honestly they dont even care but they just want to make trouble thats why they make it seem that its not ok for g*y mariages..

    hope people can chnage their feeling someday..

    peace out..x*x

  9. I can't speak for those people, but I can say my marriage is solid and we work through our problems. We've been married almost 7 years and we are happy as can be.  

  10. i am sorry but until today i dont look at homosexuality as something normal . people are getting divorce because nobody takes their vows seriously anymore. people dont look at it as a sacrament anymore  

  11. There is no certain model for marriage. People are people and we all do stupid things sometimes. I can guarantee you this, if homosexual marriages were granted all over the U.S, you'd see just as many g*y marriages in divorce as you do straight marriages.

  12. People jump into marriage too quickly without really knowing the person they're marrying.  Whatever feels great at the time is what goes.  The same can be said for when things become tough.  They leave because it's easier and quicker than making it work.  Everyone puts "me" first, and they don't consider the commitment that they've made.

    Marriage laws do not consider a couple's religious beliefs.  A couple doesn't have to be religious, only heterosexual.  So, in the eyes of the law, marriage isn't a commitment before God.  Not everyone who marries even believes in God.

    The only place religion comes into play is the actual ceremony.  That can have a religious meaning, but it's not required to.  The state issuing the marriage license doesn't care.  The marriage license/certificate are the only the legal end of marriage.  The rest is up to the couple marrying.  Those who push that it's all about God are looking at it all wrong and should learn to separate the legal part of marriage from the ceremonial part.  They can't offer a reason other than because the Bible says so.  IMO, it also says not to judge, but they're sure in a hurry to say that g*y people are going to h**l for marrying.  Religion is a funny thing and people don't hesitate to contradict themselves with it.  They don't even stop to think that they're doing it.  All that matters is what the Bible says.

    I don't have a problem with g*y marriage in the least.  It has absolutely no potential whatsoever to change what marriage means to me.  I do, however, believe that if g*y marriage were legal there would be a similar divorce rate to that of the heterosexual community.  Heterosexuals don't have the market cornered on the "me" first, impulsive attitudes that have taken over.

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