
If subpoenaed in Alaska Senator Ted Stevens' corruption trial, will Governor Palin testify in tongues?

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She is, Zilla! She sure is!




  1. She will have to be truthful and clear on that because now she will be under more scrutiny.

  2. I really hope so. Because they'll have to have an interpreter and we'll finally know what those Pentecostals are saying.

  3. OMG Squirrel - is she really one of the tongue-speakers?!

    Edit: That's R&S gold lol!

    Oops! The answer.... Yes, she will. She also plans to testify in tongues at hearings about her own  abuse of power, should they happen.

  4. The only purpose for tongues is so that people who do not speak the local language may understand what is being said.

    There is no need for that here, so no, she won't.

  5. Smargetty flubel horben grod yabbado grolhefadon. Snargelhab efelecidy blarg!

  6. I would love to see that!

  7. nope - man, you are really reaching for a question today

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