
If sum1 tries to mug you, shouldnt u just surrender?

by  |  earlier

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if someone tries to burglar u, or carjack or mug you, i think the best solution is to just give them your money instead of trying to resist. it is best to give in to the robbers demands so that the situation can be solved peacefuly. if u try to resist or use a weapon to defend yourself you will provoke the criminal to use violent force against u, therefore you are making the situation more difficult for them. self defense is a sin. what are your thoughts?

also we need more gun control




  1. i would just surrender.

    your life or your stuff,

    hmm, hard choice.

  2. If you feel you can easily beat the robber if you fought back and the don't have a gun or large knife, then fight back. Otherwise give in and give them what they're asking for. You're probably insured for what ever they take anyway, and it's not worth losing your life over.

  3. The smart man conceal carries.  When he robs you, let him have the money and gun him down as he is running away.  Carjack and mugging the same way.  To key to conflict is to engage an opponent when they are least able to act.

  4. Self defense is not a sin, and gun control would only leave guns in the hands of government and criminals. Generally you are correct that simply cooperating in a situation such as you described is the best decision. But times are difficult. Lives are worth less to a good many criminals today. You could be killed just because. So, I would say, better to weigh your odds and weigh your situation and tailor your defenses accordingly.

  5. Wow, you're quite the victim. You're the perfect target for criminals and I bet they can sense that.

  6. well, we should also try to understand why they are mugging us, and understand that we are probably the reason why they are mugging us. We need to know it's not their fault, it's just a different way of life than we are accustomed to. It's in fact a change from the status quo. You should want to embrace the behavior of thieves and muggers because it's a change from normalcy and we all know that change is good, right?

  7. I disagree with the whole "self defense is a sin."

    Anyways, if I was being mugged or something like and if they had a gun to my head I'd give them what they wanted.

    But, if they weren't armed with something completely lethal I would definetly try and defend myself.

  8. Fight to your last. Do not stand down to threats. Only a loser will back away.

    If you are going to be attacked, do u just stand there? If the robber is armed, just attack him before he does. he is more scared than u are.

  9. Self Defense is not a sin, it is a personal decision.  If a criminal has decided to use force against you, then you have the right to respond in kind with whatever you have at your disposal.  Based on your available defenses, you will then execute the proper defense.  While going along with the robbery may, at times, be your best bet, again, it is still the individuals choice.

    I find it interesting that you want to enact more gun control making it harder on me to have a gun to defend myself while doing nothing to the criminal who will always find a way to carry a gun illegally.

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