
If tachyons travel faster than C will it be travelling back in time?yes how?

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If tachyons travel faster than C will it be travelling back in time?yes how?




  1. Tom 1654 is confused about relativity, he fails to point out that Einstein said another universe could exist where particles only travelled at speeds greater than light, it was not part of his Special Theory. Because the great man suggested such a universe could exist, science conducted experiments to try to detect such a particle at the edges of our universe, none were found.  

  2. No.

    Tachyons are hypothetical particles that travel at superluminal speed.

    Even if tachyons were conventional, localizable particles, they would still preserve the basic tenets of causality in special relativity and not allow transmission of information faster than light, contrary to what has been written in many works of science fiction.

    Additionally, contrary to popular belief, Einstein’s theories on relativity DO allow things to travel faster than light. Any superluminal particle cannot drop down to sub-light speed. Particles traveling at sub-light speed cannot travel faster than light.


  3. sry i no no

  4. It would be tempting to answer yes but, first the tachyon is an hypothetical particle. We still have to know its existence. Then, the speed of light is associated with information. If something you cannot know of does something you cannot observe, does it ... exist?

    Last, the notion of the speed of light is embedded in the theory of Relativity that says that any observation can only be done from the observer's frame of space and time. It doesn't say that the speed of light can't be exceeded, it only ask how are you to measure it?

    We know that if the universe expands, some of it must be beyond our horizon and we will never see it because it moves faster than its light can reach us. So, we may say that, in itself, it is going back in time. But ... who is to observe it?

  5. Tachyons are theoretically composed what is called negative mass.  What that means is that with normal mass, it causes a depression in the fabric of the space/time continuum.  Which causes us to move forward in time and prevents us from exceeding the speed of light, not even reaching it.

    Negative mass, which tachyons are suppose to be made of, causes a bump or peak in the fabric of the space/time continuum.  Which does the opposite of normal mass.  Meaning it travels faster than light, but not able to slow down below the speed of light, and yes, tachyons can travel backwards in time.

    But also, according to Einsteins theory of relativity states that you cannot travel faster than light, cause the speed of light is a limiting factor.  But if you were able to travel faster than 299,792.458 km/s, then you encounter the time distortion effect.  Which as a result you arrive at your destination before you even reach your starting point.

    So either way, the answer is yes.

  6. I've been told that the correct answer to this is "yes", but I didn't understand the explanation.

  7. The theory is that tachyons are moving through our universe faster than the speed of light and this is what keeps the whole universe the same as shown by phisics on science channel. now einsteins E=mc2 theory says if you can travel the speed of light you can change i recomend looking up einsteins theorys and go to his theory E=MC2 and read it  hope this helps you

  8.   If a tachyon existed and traveled faster than the speed of light it would travel bach in time but the speed of light cannot now or ever will be exceeded

  9. No, Einsteins theory does not say you can "Change Time" Einstein stated that the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of motion. Even if you are moving at the speed of light, a light beam traveling beside you will still pass you at speed C.

    There is one theory that if the universe is spinning, and you move around the spinning universe that you can end up before you left. However, traveling faster than C will not teleport anything back in "time".  

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