
If teenagers drive me absolutely nuts....?

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(and did even when i was one) ... will i feel differently about them when my kids are that age or will my own kids drive me crazy?

lol, just came from the video store and there were some kids there choosing a video for a sleepover and i came home with a headache and a deep fear about whether i could possibly stand my kids through the teen years.

i guess that's why they give us a dozen years to warm up to the idea.

(everybody can calm down, btw, i know there are good teens out there -- i used to think of myself as one -- but omg. i'll take a toddler with a tantrum any day).




  1. I'm going 17 and i pretty much consider myself a rebel without a cause, give my mom more trouble than is necessary. But I find that I don't have to behave the way I do, I just do most things for the heck of it. And as you've said all teens aren't like that there are a few "good" ones but hey one of the downsides of having kids, if you want them you have to put up with them as they age

  2. I'm 13. I consider myself a pretty good kid. But I'm the 'quiet one' at our school. I only talk when I'm supposed to and I never really get in trouble.

  3. It all depeneds on how they were raised.. Yea, I was a good teenager, until I hit 19. Then when I hit 22, I kind of meloded out a lot.. But I do understand why you'd rather takea toddler with a tantrum over anything..

  4. make sure u discipline them no and make sure there not in trouble and you should have good teenagers as kid OK luv ya for life

  5. You'll feel differently because your own kids will have your family values, good manners, etc.

  6. Mom my best answer is. Just as sure as they become teens they will become adults. Mom be scared very scared. You haven't seen nothing till you seen a 30 year old an a 35 year old that are jealous of attention the other gets. ENJOY them teen years, at least you have some control over them.


  7. No if your kids are really good they won't bother you but if they are like normal teenagers they probably will.

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