
If tensile strength exceeds max. limit for steel while other properties comply with standard; is that problem?

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Some standards for steel products ( steel pipes for example)specify minimum and maximum limit for tensile strength; while there are other specify only minimum tensile strength ; my qustion is if the tensile strength eceeds the maximum limit in the standard and all other propertis( elongation; bending; drift expanding; pressure;chemical composition; dimensions..etc.) comply with standard requirements ; is that a cause for rejection of the product or to say that it does not comply with the standard?




  1. You did not mention hardness among "all other properties".

    Generally, high strength steels come with high hardness and associated higher brittle character as well.

    Higher hardness and brittleness are to be avoided as this makes the steels more susceptible to greater rates of crack propagation, corrosion and catastrophic failure.

    So materials with strengths exceeding maximum specified are rejected.

  2. If the standard sets a maximum limit, then exceeding the limit is noncompliance and cause for rejection.  Sometimes life is simple.

  3. depends what it is to be used for, it may be for a mechanical safety system which is designed to fail in the event of an overload, e.g. a shear pin

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