
If terrorism is bad.Is corruption good or bad.?

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If terrorism is bad.Is corruption good or bad.?




  1. Your loaded question has one answer:

    Terrorism : Bad

    Corruption : Bad

    I may add that Liberals : Bad

  2. I cant see goodness in corruption.

    So of course its bad.  

  3. of course it's bad as well

  4. Terrorism is bad? depends uppon how you view with which coloured glass you wear? and without knowing the background.  Why one should terrorise  others? similarly Group of Military powers & Weapon producers want to sell their products and needs a market, than they should instigate wars on other territories than their own like USA

    The Corruption  supposed to be sweet?, as one who get his needs? and the other has helped to reach his dreams? but old saying, that, the 1st Corruption system existed since the Adam and Eve,  The 1st Prostitution f.e.g.both enjoyed the s*x so why should the corruption be bad?

  5. good question. eye opening.

    If people are all fanatic about the terrorists and extremists, they should also be concentrating on booting all these corrupt government officials that have "legally" done far worse things than any of these terrorists.

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