
If that beautiful woman from Venezuela who won the Miss Universe pageant was from Iraq, would she have won?

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If that beautiful woman from Venezuela who won the Miss Universe pageant was from Iraq, would she have won?




  1. The miss universe competition is usually won by the local entrant. If you don't believe me look at the web page I have attached below.

    So, no Miss Iraq wouldn't have won in Venezuela.....

  2. heaaalzzzz no! (Not from my view but guessing what others would say)

    The "muslim" factor would play a big role to some i guess.

  3. Defenately not, even if she showed her face,

  4. No, she wasn't won the Miss Universe

  5. Why not? The woman is gorgeous.

    If we didn't have a conflict with the Arab world I truly believe they would let their guards down and let themselves enjoy a Miss Universe or two.

  6. No, because she wouldn't show her face!

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