
If that was the last game this year at the Wachovia Center?

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What a way to go out.MAF is human after all.Is this game enough to turn em around for Game 5?

Another Question-Is Jeff Carter the fastest Flyer to ever lace em up in the orange and black?




  1. The Flyers will be playing in Wachovia Center in October, so it won't be the last this year :)

  2. Excellent game!

    Looks like the underdogs have come to life at the last minute! What will happen next???

  3. That was definitely a h**l of a game.  After the first MAF was pretty solid but it was a great overall effort by the Flyers.  A little chippy in the last 20 seconds but it should make for some rough play in game 5.  

    Carter is definitely one of the fastest and smoothest skaters the Flyers have ever had.

    Erica - I agree with you that since he is wearing the "C" he should be the one talking to the Refs.  However, what gives it away for me is that disgusted face he always makes when talking to them, which in turn looks like he is complaining about something. A question for you about you're boy Gino.  Is he having skate problems or something?  Because the past three games he seems to be going down awfully easy anytime his legs get   Maybe he just needs a stronger leg workout program in the off season.

  4. At least the Pens get to win at home! =)

    Fleury upset me at some points by flopping around, but everybody makes mistakes.

  5. That was one h**l of a game. Great first period. Solid Second Period. Shaky Third. But man oh man I hope that isnt the last game that the Wach Center this year.

    Carter is a speed demon but in his prime I would say Kapenen was faster. Would be a good race.

  6. Yeah, Flyers are done. That was the second hockey (NHL) game I watched all year and it was the ugliest piece of sh*t I've seen in my life.

  7. Conspiracy?  No, but there were some bad calls.  The Orpik penalty makes no sense since he was the one getting hit.  Oh well, Cryers will lose on Sunday anyway.

  8. He's not the fastest, but he's fast :P

    I also wanted to see Richards beat the snot out of Crybaby Crosby.  Would have served him right for all of his complaining.

  9. Yeah, I wanted to see Richards beat the c**p out of Crosby. That would've made my week. And what was he whining about after the fourth goal? There's a difference between making a complaint to the ref when there's a chance, and making a complaint just for the h**l of making a complaint. Or was he just asking the ref how his kids were?

    Erica, my point is, the game was already lost and he was still complaining. It's like an or a crying baby at a restaurant: it just won't shut the h**l up and there's just no point in making noise. Whining for the sake of whining basically.

  10. barakat do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

    good, not great game by the Flyers due to an UGLY third period. hopefully game 5 can be a battle. love where the Flyers have come from since last season, this is all gravy for me, but I will keep my hopes up all the same

  11. Indeed, Jeff Carter is fast. I don't know if he's the fastest to lace them up as a Flyer though. I believe Hatcher should get credit where credit is due. :P

    And Richards is a beast when it comes to breakaways. (I think it was in the 1st that he had a good one... and nothing came of it, but boy was I sweating.)

    The Flyers played great. They came out flying in the 1st. They protected their lead well by being disciplined (for the most part) and playing well defensively. Biron was solid (I think he had something like 38 saves).

    Oh, and it was nice to see Hatcher drop the gloves with someone... even if it was someone smaller than him. You do know Laraque asked him to go in Game 3 right? He declined.

  12. Sammi is faster

    Richards should have the C now

    and all those broken brooms and that chick who's freind lost $500  I told you not to bet on hockey

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