
If the 72-year-old man is elected and then croaks, will Gov. Palin force our schools to teach creationism?

by Guest21281  |  earlier

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"The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms."




  1. our schools should be teaching all theories and encourage the students to decide for themselves.  

  2. She might push for it, but really what's there to teach?  Everybody has heard the few paragraphs that explain creationism.

  3. she asked that it also be taught along side creationism.  seems reasonable to me. i dont think any of us really know the answer to that one. so providing educational choice seems very american to me.

  4. Probably.  She is not well-developed intellectually. Obvious sycophant. Wants to play with the Repugnants who will regurgitate her as swill as soon as her usefulness is depleted.

  5. Since she is a Conservative and therefore realizes that Federal education is unconstitutional... I would have to go with "No"

    Your specific questions was "will she force them". The answer to that is "No". Does she want them? The answer to that is "Yes".

    That is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat... A Republican (not a Bush Republican) knows the limits to their authority.

  6. She'll try.  

  7. How long will it take till our leaders and educators understand that God used evolution to create?  It's not one or the other, it's both.  You can't have random chance creating complex human beings without a designer.  And you can't argue the fact that it took eons for stars to form, then explode, creating the elements that are found in our bodies and everything else in the universe.

  8. Since the President isn't given that power, probably not.  Why do people overreact and start saying politicians are going to do this and that when it clearly isn't in their power to do it?

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