
If the American League Division leaders remain the same which color Sox do you want to go to the Playoffs?

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Red or White? Hmmmm?




  1. Defintally the red sox the best clutch team in baseball why the white sox they suck...THE REDSOX ARE AMAZING TO WATCH IN THE PLAYOFFS

  2. white sox.  Who will probably lose to either tampa or the angels.  :)

    Go Jays G0!

  3. Red since I hate Chicago

  4. i'm a yankee fan...i'll let you answer that

  5. White Sox

  6. RED, so that way all the haters can keep hating on Boston, The City of Champions!!! Hey we still have 86 years to make up for!

  7. The Red Sox's but only so they can be crushed in the playoffs/world series!

  8. The Blue Sox

  9. It doesn't matter. They both have great hitters and would be fun to watch. I'm a rangers fan it would be nice to actually sniff the playoffs or decent pitching consistently.

  10. White Sox =]

    Good question!

  11. The White Sox. They have a better team

  12. I'd rather see the RedSox make it.  I like the RedSox mostly because I hate the Yankees, so of course I'm gonna pull for the Yank's biggest rival, but I also don't like the White Sox (I'm a Cubs fan).  Also, I'm am sick and tired of Ozzie Guillen's ranting and raving and general bullshit.

  13. Definitely White.  I love the color red (Cardinals) but hate the color red on sox.

  14. red sox rule!

  15. Both will make it.

    (1) LA Angels/Anaheim, (2) Tampa Bay Rays, (3) Chicago White Sox, (4) Boston Red Sox

    BOS def LAA 3-2,**

    CWS def TBR 3-1; Experience matters, sorry Tampa.

    BOS def CWS 4-2; The Red Sox have 25 players who actually care.


    BOS def NYM 4-2;

    Jason Bay's knowledge of the NL East will help Boston.

    The Mets wouldn't have the "no DH" advantage because of Red Sox like:

    1. Wakefield (Pittsburgh) {2 seasons}

    2. Beckett (Florida) {5 seasons}

    3. Byrd (Philly, Atlanta, Mets) {8 seasons}

    and 4. Colon (Montreal) {1 season}

    ** The Angels are mysterious... they have a solid team, so it will take 5 games, but the Angels can't beat Boston in the playoffs as of late.

  16. I'm a huge Yankee fan... You know the answer.

  17. NEITHER! go cubbies and yankees when it comes to the sox. but i think twins and rays will win divisions and red sox will win wild card but then lose to the angels


  19. Chicago White Soxs of course. 2005 champions. We need another championship. Chicago is one of the best cities in sports and so we need to add more to our racks of accomplishments. The Chicago Whitesoxs have also worked so hard and they need to get the respect they deserve. Chicago over Boston anyday. Sorry. Chi-Town For Life. No Disrespect to Beantown.

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