
If the Amish moved back to Switzerland could they survive?

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The government pretty much leaves them alone in the US, but I think in Switzerland they would get some harrassment for riding horses and refusing military service




  1. the Amish could thrive in the mountains but not in the lowlands of Switzerland (too crowded) and yes, they are originally from Switzerland but there are also Dutch Amish. Hence the difference between the ones that speak the old german or the ones have speak old dutch in the USA.....and yes, Jakob Ammann started it. p.s. there are tiny pockets of amish in Switzerland still

  2. There would simply not be enough spaces left these days for their special life-style. We have gypsy's (not doing military services) and they are accepted. But they move around and are not farming etc.

  3. amish are from austria, not switzerland.if i am coorect!

    yes, would be a big problem here to accept amish. tax, school.

    they would not have to serve military but civil service for sure.

  4. Sorry George W. Bush.  Amish are from Switzerland (German part) founded by Jacob Amman.

    From wikipedia:  "The Amish (Amisch or Amische) (IPA: [ˈɑːmɪʃ]) are an Anabaptist Christian denomination, formed in 1693 by Swiss Mennonites lead by Jacob Amman."

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