
If the Apocalypse is here Do you kill the young that you Love or do you allow them to live as slaves or worse?

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You people make me raugh

The Chinese will own each and every one of you!!!!!!!!!




  1. Depends on how youn they are.  Give em a gun, go down fighting.  But, then if it is the "Apocalypse" that infers we are all dying anyway so there really will be no one left to be a slave anyway.

  2. Get help.

  3. Let them party like it's 1999 !!

    Seriously though, from my point of view, besides the obvious, things are fine. There is no Apocalypse, things are what they are. It is up to you as to what you make of it.

  4. I thought about a similar situation once, if I was trapped in a burning building with some kids would it be my responsibility to kill them to prevent them from burning alive or to let them suffer through it?

  5. If the Apocalypse is here ... do you suppose you will be in a position to choose either outcome for the young that you love? Don't you know you will be struggling for your own survival? Except of course you are the one bringing on the Apocalypse.

  6. Kill them.

  7. I do not think it is under my judgement to kill ANYONE. Even my worst enemy.

  8. Well, should the Apocalypse come, we will ALL be killed anyway so why kill them ?

  9. You have no right to take someone else's life at all. What gives you the right to decide someone else's ultimate fate? How would you feel if they were writing here asking if they should kill you?

  10. Why not just prepare now for anything that may happen . Money is not worth much anymore but take what you have and buy food to store. Also seeds and tools should be stored you can use them or trade any of these things in the future.

    You should not kill your love ones for any reason. Your job is to protect them not kill them so protect them by getting ready now for anything that may happen.

    Get out of the cities and set yourself up with a group of others and you can help each other in the coming bad times.

    Get some books and learn how to survive like a pioneer without power. Learn to cook on a wood fire things like rice and beans.

    Learn to grow a garden. Start right now growing one this summer in your back yard.

    Share what you have. It is all about love and helping one another.

    Don't live in fear it is a lower energy live in love.

  11. You teach them to fight. John Conner did. (does)

    Sounds to me like you've already surrendered. If anyone needs to be bumped off it's someone like you who is already a collaborator.

  12. Lets assume your are talking about the fundamentalist Christian Apocalyspe. Who made you judge? In what way would this be fulfilling the purpose that you say God has intended for you.

    I'll give you an alternative, love everything and everyone, until it all goes black (death). You really can't go wrong with this spiritually speaking. If there is an afterlife, well, you did what Jesus said, if there is no afterlife (more likely) then you did the best you could during your short time here, and maybe showed someone else what it feels like to be loved.

    Pass it on.

  13. Read the earlier parts of the Bible and find your answer in the Ten Commandments. And please contact your doctor and ask him this same question. I think your doctor may be your best resource for all of your questions.

  14. What the, who? Are you for real or just some ******* crazy nut?

  15. You should probably consider suicide. Leave everybody else alone.

  16. Apocalypse is a figment of the imagination....but even in my imagination, I couldn't kill someone (unless I had no choice in defending my life), never mind someone I love.

  17. Live. The intentions may be good by killing them but seriously they would need to learn from that life and grow strong.

  18. That does not exist. You need to study more and learn about Earth's constant evolution and society competing and killing each other to survive, but about that, I don't know if you're referring to the bible, It is just another story of the "Holy Book"...

  19. This is the kind of thinking that has kids shooting up schools.  How come when things are not going great or there is a perceived threat, the Majority panics and want to kill everything in sight. get a grip

  20. interesting question, i never really thought of the apocalypse as being here already but you may be right, as far as your question, i think only god has ther right to chose who & when one dies, if we take any life for any reason then we do not forsee the reason god has put them in that particular learning situation. certainly death is worse that being a slave. (it is the lesser of two evils). -blurey

  21. Neither; we will all be armed to the teeth and we will take out as many as possible.

    Viva la Revolution.

  22. With all the technology and nuclear weapons that are just about everywhere.. its a no brainer. But no i wouldnt even consider the thought of killing my young. if anything, we would all be evaporated with just one push of a button.

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