
If the BNP weren't such overtly racist prats, would they get more votes?

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On the basis of their anti-immigration status. Apparently most people think their ideaas are great until they find out they are from the BNP.




  1. Probably.  I agree with their tough stance on immigration and putting British people first.  I do not agree with repatriation of all non-white Britons who are already living here.

  2. Regardless, I would still vote BNP over Zanu-NuLab anyday.


  4. It's not paranoia if you really have enemies.

    It's not racism if your people really have enemies.

  5. The reason for the failure of the BNP is because it's message does not suit the middle classes or what is now called Middle England.  If and when it starts making the right noises, it will succeed.

    So far not.  Thankfully.

    Dagenham!  Isn't that somewhere near Chaville?

  6. Have you actually heard BNP members speak?

    They're all saying that thier policies are not racist and are just common sence.

    Its just the media give the bnp such a bad name that people dont want to vote for them.

    no dowt that newspapers get money from labour so they carnt say anything bad about them

  7. If the BNP weren't overtly racist prats, they wouldn't be the BNP, they'd be something else. Who can tell how racism effects all of their policies? Most of their popular ideas are completely unworkable, even if they sound good. Note that this study is from the Daily Mail. The people they study are much more likely to be far-right than other papers, which might explain the results.

  8. Their ideas are good, pity nu Labour and the Tories haven't got the same ideas, then People like the Iranian asylum seeker who ripped of the British taxpayers to the tune of 25,000 pounds wouldn't be around to do it, and how many more are getting away with it. Bring on the BNP the quicker the better

  9. I helped get the one BNP member

    onto the London assembly.

    They are only supported because

    of their common sense immigration

    policy !

  10. Oh come on, you can spot a bnp policy a mile off! You can tell by the way it stinks.

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