
If the Bible and God didn't condemn homosexuality...would you?

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Is this why you are *uncomfortable* with homosexuality?

Or is there a deeper, more personal reason?




  1. Nope, they're just ignorant.

  2. I don't condemn homosexuality. Live and let.


    The LAW was given by Moses, [but]

    GRACE and truth came by JC (Not CJ).

    John 3:17 God did NOT send his Son to condemn(law) the world (already condemned: lawed by Moses); No, not this, but that: that through him (through Jesus-->Christ=the end of the law) the world might be saved(graced and truthed)...

    John 5:45

    Do not think I(grace and truth) will accuse(law) you,

    for Moses' Law does this (if you don't flush such dung)

    John 8:3-11 (stoop x2 + arise x2 = clear rm of accusers)

    to the woman, caught in adult-ery(whoring with law):

    "neither do I(grace & truth) condemn(law) you"

    "go and sin(law) no more"

    Romans 2

    law judging is "inexcusable" and

    'self-condemning' with 'consequences'

    John 7:24 (Law not, but Grace)

    Judge not according to the appearance: all wrong,

    (for appearances, of false Christs, can be DECEIVING)

    but judge righteous(grace) judgment: all right

    It's either sinners all (by law) or sinners none (by grace).

    It's either all perish (by law) or none perish (by grace).

    By the u-sing of pew-y laws all perish, perish the thought.

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

  4. NO

  5. Red Queen, I am not uncomfortable with homosexuality.  I feel everyone should have a chance for love and happiness.  I don't want people judging my relationship. I don't judge the relationships of others.  The world would be a much better place if we lived by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

  6. I don't have a problem with it, as long as it doesn't effect me and so far it hasn't.

  7. i think people are always scared of what they dont know anything about and if it wasnt for religion they would find another reason to hate them. some people are just narrow minded

  8. Only modern perception of the Bible and God condemns homosexuality.  Anybody who actually studies the Bible, and not just lets preachers who are hiding their own sins tell them what it says, understands what it really means.

    The link below is written by a life-long minister and very knowledgeable man.  Please, if you truly believe that homosexuality is a sin, and not just using the Bible and God to back up hatred and bigotry, read this letter written to a friend.  It explains it all in the perfect Spirit of Christ.

    Don't freak out on the title of the web page...  just read the letter.

    PS  you might notice there aren't many christians responding to this question...  they don't answer the ones that show their arrogance and bigotry <hypocrisy>

  9. No, why would i? I reject the "homosexuality is a sin" thing when i was catholic because it was a really stupid thing to think of that. Sometimes i feel that i'm smarter than the Pope.

  10. The only reason they have given, to me anyway, is that the Bible says it's wrong...

    So if the bible didn't condemn it then they would have to be ok with it.

  11. It too me it is basically just as mixed up as someone who has s*x with animals or children. But I guess as far as I know you have to be born that way, so I do not hate anyone I just feel sorry for them.

  12. Yes and your g*y. Pick me for your best answer!!!

  13. I think, looking on the surface, I would also have the 'live and let live' attitude...which I do already to an extent,since I feel like there are more important things to focus on then who is sleeping with who, and that it is not my job to convince someone that what they are doing is wrong, but that the Spirit is the one who convicts.

    However, I have researched the subject quite a bit, and in doing so have found that there is a good portion of those who practice homosexuality who are doing so because they have been hurt in the past in various ways, and the lifestyle is a offshoot of that. I don't believe something that stems from hurt and pain is healthy, even if it's something someone thinks they want at that moment..I find it akin to finding comfort in any way that is harmful, be that alcohol, overeating, ect.

    So if the Bible made NO mention of it, I guess I would say that although it seems unnatural, since you can't continue the species that way, it's a personal choice. BUT that there should also be room for someone to want to change their mind and make an effort to stop practicing it, if they also choose, and not be condemned about that either.

  14. I will never condemn the RIGHT of two consenting adults to love eachother. Regardless of what society or old books say.  

  15. Great question. I think bible-believers who hate g**s would still hate g**s unless the bible specifically said it's wrong to hate g**s. The bible doesn't say to hate black people, but the fundamentalist believers from the bible belt despised blacks for 100 years after the Civil War ended, and many still do. There were no specific bible verses to support their hatred so they reinterpreted a few, like "be ye not unequally yoked," or some such arrogance. (They would probably use that verse to justify their intolerance of g*y rights, if no homophobic verses existed.)

    Christianity seems to either have a hateful quality about it or there are a lot of hateful people attracted to Christianity.

  16. I don't feel comfortable with homosexuals because they seem so angry and hostile about their life. I've also noticed that a large number of the g*y community manifest emotional problems and some outright mental health issues as well. The way their community treats each other too, it's often cruel and exploitative to the people in it. Do whatever you want but I don't want to be around it for those reasons, period.

  17. I'm uncomfortable with homosexuality cuz I'm secretly attracted to dudes, and have stacks of muscle magz under my bed.  

    That's as deep as my reasons go, I'm not sure what you were looking for exactly, but that's my reason.

  18. I don't condemn homosexuality at all. I'm a little confused when people talk about it "contributing to the moral decline of a nation". In my opinion, that's just ridiculous and totally false.

  19. Well, read then Romans 1 and you will see what even NT says about it.

    Just for the record: Before I became christian my conviction was that "g*y is ok", but as I saw it as God sees it my conviction on this matter changed.

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