
If the Bible is the "Word of God" why did it end so soon after Jesus' original followers died off?

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How come the Bible didn't keep getting "Word" from "God" even after Jesus' original followers had died off?

They die off, then suddenly "God" has no more stuff to say?

(Hundreds of years later, and he still isn't saying anything -- or if he is, how come it isn't getting recorded in the "Word of God"?)





  1. you beleive in that book of fairy tales.

  2. because it is BS

  3. What were Jesus's last words? Answer: "it is finished". What he was saying was this, everything that man needed to know he had already taught to his apostles so that they could go out and start the original churches. He also meant by this that the old covenant(old testament) had been fulfilled and that man was no longer under the curse of the law. The Bible says that Gods word is the same yesterday today and forever, it never changes, because God never changes. People also, no matter who wants to argue this fact NEVER CHANGE we today have the same problems and worries and issues that man has always had. Why do you think that we need new insight from God? He has already shown us the way, we just need to decide if we are going to follow him or not. Dont be impatient God has not disappeared in time he is simply waiting for that last person to accept him before he comes back.

  4. The Bible promised additional information at the appropriate time.

    7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

      8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.

      9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.

      10 And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

      11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

    Father's pattern of using prophets to reveal his word continues today.

    Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

  5. The "Word" was right there in the flesh. Christ said the prophets ended with John the Baptist. He also said no more signs would be given until the end. We were to believe on what was provided.

  6. Try checking out the Book of Mormon... it is like the bible... exactly like what your talking about

  7. Simple: it isn't. It has no better claim to credence than a Harry Potter novel.

  8. It didn't. Delusional people the world over are still receiving messages from god. Just ask them.

  9. The message is clear.  Christ came and died for all mankind to be reconciled through Him to God the Father.  We are to share this good news with everyone so that no one should perish but have everlasting life through Christ.  

    The Bible has all the information that mankind needs to follow Christ and live our lives to glorify Jesus.  The problem is that often people aren't willing to live the sanctified life that is written about in the Bible.  


  10. The message was delivered to mankind "once and for all" so nothing more is needed.  Add something to complete and it becomes incomplete.

    If God had spoken to Joseph Smith, Mr. Smith would have gotten it right the first time instead of having to go back and edit about 7 times.  I don't want Mr. Smith's God that cannot say the right thing the first time.

  11. The word of God is the word of God; it's still here everywhere in print to be bought anywhere because it is God's word.  He has kept it going.

    It says in Revelation that nothing more was to be added to the Bible; God ordered that to John to write that in the book of Revelation.  God does still speak to us.  But we have to be saved thru Christ and we have to be listening for God to speak.

  12. god isnt real dont believe that c**p

    ill prove it right now santa- st. nicholos -SAINT - Related to god and santa is a bunch of c**p o and so is god

  13. How do you know that God is silent ?

    Where did Martin Luther get his inspiration for his 95 Thesis ?

    Like wise, where did all the other protestant leaders get their inspiration ?

    Just because it is not recorded in God's Holy book, doesn't mean its not from God !

    The majority of Protestant Churches were formed from an inspiration from God.  

  14. Apparently you didn't read "Lord of the Rings".  Or "Chronicles of Narnia", or Penthouse Forum.  All inspired

  15. A Jewish man once said that God taught the early man how to crawl then walk.  When Man became a teenager, he came to earth and sacrificed himself to express the ultimate love, and when he left, he left man who was young, now grown to fend on his own.  God, like a father, cannot be on a growing son's back all the time.  God has helped enough.  It is now time for Man to find God...if he chooses to.  That is why God doesn't have more stuff to say.    

  16. everything that God wanted people to know is in the bible.

    He will come back one day soon and he will once again declare his word to the world. He will rule the world for 1000 years.

  17. The short answer is that the bible is complete. It is God's complete revelation to man. No further revelation is necessary. Cults are formed when people try to add to it or claim to have additional revelation.

    God's word *does* continue to speak, however. It contains timeless truths and a description of a world view that explains how we got here, what our purpose is, what has gone wrong with the world, and how to fix it. I find it to be a reliable guide.

    God also speaks in the hearts and lives of those who follow him. These are the people out there providing food to the starving, medical care to the sick, and compassion to the lonely. They are making God's word real by their actions.

  18. first part.

    it did not end.

    second part.

    God did not run out of stuff to say.

    he is saying plenty of things.

    Explanation follows.

    Word of God means more like message from God.

    Not everything God says is recorded there.

    But the reason we hold the bible of such importance is that it is a good compilation of God's revelations to man.

    It's kinda like this. The most recent publication of the websters dictionary has plenty of words in it, even the newest ones.

    However it does not contain all the words.

    That doesn't mean you throw it out, neither does it mean that it contains all the words EVER.

    It just means it has much of what we are looking for.

    Okay. The bible basically gets us to a point when we start recieving messages from God ourselves, this is based on how he has dealt with humans in the past, how he communicated with them..

    So for example, God says forgive.. Then a spirit tells you not to forgive, then obviously you can determine that this spirit is not from God. Thats a short example.

    If you spend time with REAL believers, not just church attenders, you will understand.

  19. <<If the Bible is the "Word of God">>

    The Bible is the WRITTEN Word of God.

    <<why did it end so soon after Jesus' original followers died off? How come the Bible didn't keep getting "Word" from "God" even after Jesus' original followers had died off?>>

    The written Word of God has been entirely revealed; no more need be written. All we have to do is contemplate, meditate, and try to understand it as best we can.

    <<They die off, then suddenly "God" has no more stuff to say?>>

    God had no more to say - hardly!  God is constantly revealing Himself to us - through His Church.

    <<(Hundreds of years later, and he still isn't saying anything -- or if he is, how come it isn't getting recorded in the "Word of God"?)>>

    It's been almost 2,0000 years since the last Biblical text was penned - but that doesn't mean God isn't still revealing Truth to us.

    What you have to understand is that there is more to revealed Truth than what is in the Bible. God is a living God; meaning He is constantly revealing Truth to us.

  20. Everything God wanted to say He said thru those who were eye witnesses of the resurrected Lord.

    God still speaks to His people, but that is not authoritative.

  21. Protestant answer: The Bible is complete and sufficient as it is. Everything we need to know, spiritually speaking, is there.

    Catholic answer: God does continue to speak to us through His Church and Holy Tradition.

  22. Just for the sake of argument, how do you know god didn't speak to Joseph Smith?

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