
If the Bible says "Thou shall not Kill" Do murder charges promote Religion?

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CS, According to the way it's currently interpreted. Yes it would.




  1. does not say "shall not kill", says "shall not do murder"


  2. Most of our laws are derived from Christian Values.

    See g*y Marriage, Prostitution, Drugs

  3. No. religion and state are seperate as per the constitution. just because they may agree on some subjects does not mean one is promoting the other. Your question was not thought out and is kind of ridiculous.

  4. Yawn


  5. Just because a law is also a sin in a religion does not make that mixing church and state.  If I invented a religion tomorrow that believed everything in the Constitution (except the first amendment) to be the divine word of God, that wouldn't make the constitution void.

    EDIT: No, it wouldn't.  Ask any constitutional lawyer.

  6. No, murder charges are punished because murder is immoral and horrible. You can't live in a world of murders running around. How could you possibly bring religion in to this?

  7. Your rights extend only as far as the next persons. You can kill whoever you want, but we all have the right to live. By killing someone you're violating their rights and thus breaking the law. Our elected officials placed their hands on Bibles and swore to uphold the Constitution. They did not place their hands on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible.

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