
If the Bible was written by men to put women in their place and keep them there,why do some women imagine that

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the book contains the word of God? Does God hate women?




  1. Many of the verses that seem to support the subjugation of women are either misinterpreted or taken out of context.

    I think all the people who misuse Scripture in this way are going to have a tough time when they stand before God and try to explain themselves to Her :)

  2. Because their brainwashed....and the men tell them it was written by god..

    No I don't believe God hates women at all....but back when the bible was actually written, women didn't have much say in things.

  3. God only hates ignorance.

  4. The Bible is a divine Revelation. In the Bible we find out what God wants mankind to know about himself and His plan. The Bible is the only written revelation of God to man. No one has ever successfully re fluted the Bible. Many mock the Bible but avoid challenging it point to point. No one who has done in-depth research,honestly examining the evidence for the Bible's inspiration and truthfulness,has been able to disprove the Bible. History records many who set out to disprove the Bible,who instead became believers.

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