
If the Big Ten adds a team should there be divisions like the Big 12 and who be in them.?

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what do you think I think East,West divisions and the Championship game will be in Chicago. East-Penn State,Michigan,Michigan State,Cincinnati,Ohio State,Indiana West-Illinois,Purdue,Northwestern,Wiscon...




  1. must be a university that can fit into the Big 10 through sports and academics & this is the logical direction.

  2. Championship game would need to rotate. Chicago is not a logical destination since the top teams are all East of it.

    Indianapolis, Cleveland, Detroit could all make arguments to host the game as possibly could Pittsburgh. Let's be honest though no one has a bigger stadium then Michigan with Ohio State not far behind. Soldier Field is tiny compared the Horseshoe and Big House!

    As for Divisions:

    Your East Division is over loaded:

    Michigan and OSU in the same division with Penn State puts the 3 perennial top teams on one side. I assume you are dragging Cinicinnati over as the logical 12th team? What about Notre Dame. If the Big ten wanted to be bigger like the SEC they'd bring in a top school rather then a mid-card upstart like UC. Maybe West Virginia as another possibility.

    East Might Look like:

    Penn State

    Ohio State


    Michigan State


    Cincy/ West Virgina/ Notre Dame







    Purdue      Purdue could go over to the East if Notre Dame were added  and ND could be in the West.    

  3. if your talking skill levels, Akron st

  4. As a Chicagoland native I'd be all for the Windy City hosting the title game. However, I think the folks in Detroit, Indianapois, and Milwaukee might have something to say about it.

    The divisional breakdown would depend upon who the 12th team was but using your East-West scenario the West would probably consist of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Northwestern, and Wisconsin. The East would have Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, and Purdue.

    Cincinatti is a member of the Big East so Notre Dame or Western Kentucky are the closest major independents to the region. If ND was added Indiana could be bumped to the East while Western Kentucky would fill the opening in the East.

    BTW-I notcied you listed just 10 teams; you missed Iowa and Minnesota.

  5. Yes, I really hope the do this. I think that all the conferences in the NCAA should have a conference championship game. it will make conference more equal in the BCS spotlight. Because then you can be required to win a conference championship in order to compete in a BCS bowl game. It will also more solidify ranking for conferences like the BIG10 who often have ties for the conference champion.

    I want them to add a team like Syracuse or W.V. or maybe even, But I have a feeling it will be PITT

  6. its been rumored that rutgers will be the 12th team.  oh, and by the way, if you make two divisions, you obviously put michigan and ohio state in separate divisions so there is a potential big ten championship with them playing each other.  

  7. the best teams to add to the Big 10 are Notre Dame and West Virginia and drop Iowa let them go to the Big 12. (Also consider Kentucky dropping from SEC to the Big 10) Nortwestern should also consider dropping to non BCS status or into the MAC.

  8. Notre Dame or Pitt would be interesting

  9. The obvious choice for the 12th team would be Pitt, so they can renew their long-time rivalry with Penn State, but that would most likely end their other major rivalry with West Virginia. I think Cincinnati would be overwhelmed in the Big 10. Another idea would be to pull Iowa State from the Big 12.

    Once the 12th team is in place, what will the league be called?  

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