
If the Bush administration wants us to believe that responding to climate change would ...?

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If the Bush administration wants us to believe that responding to climate change would lead to economic collapse, then why did the EPA release at report on Friday saying the opposite?

“But while the release may have been stealthy and the presentation was marked by the White House's typical efforts to make everything look bleak, the results speak loudly, showing we can both tackle global warming and grow America's economy.

“Here's the short version: assuming advanced energy technologies hit the market fast, America's economy will grow 80 percent by 2030. If we don't cap carbon emissions, America's economy will grow 81 percent by 2030.




  1. what is the point of asking a question and then answering it by simply cutting and pasting an Internet link.  One that is quite political at that.  You can not attack the right wing political agenda, and at the same time prop up the left.  You negate your credibility.  This is why political climates that center around two opposing forces are nothing more than stage shows.  We are in a desperate need of people who are capable of thinking for themselves.

    As far as growing America's economy the only way to do that is to cap big corporations that have a monopoly,  and dis band the industrial giants that have sold American jobs overseas.  They are the true threats to the stabilization of the US economy.  And that is why we are not seeing the advanced energy technologies, and I'm not talking about green here.  These controlling corporations that  lobby for regulations,  that they know smaller companies can not meet have successfully eliminated the majority of alternative energy supplies.  And they sleep with both the left and the right.

    Economic collapse is eminent, provided we continue to accept the devaluation of the dollar and the systematic  dismemberment of the labor force.  After all labor is the only thing backing the dollar.

  2. bush can do nothing but the oil boys can they need to let them start driling up there today

  3. I think it's his way of trying to maintain a decent reputation, because that's the best he can think of to justify to America and the rest of the world that he hasn't taken stronger actions to address climate change.

  4. I suppose that the reports from the pentagon about the geostrategic implications of global warming must have also been written by some lefitst (as everybody knows the Pentagone is full of hippies).

    There is obviously a contradiction from the two sources trusted by the Bush administration: The Pentagon and Exxon. Both can not be right at the same time. Global warming can not be at the same time hypothetical/non existing and without consequences AND real and lead to dire consequences

  5. if you've bought any grocerys over the last year you would notice the fuel from corn scam is already having an adverse effect on the price of grocerys(or does your mommy buy your grocerys?) & has caused riots in Mexico last year over the price of tortillias.

  6. I really wouldnt trust a d**n thing bush says, especially about the economy.

  7. I really don't want to go into a rant about gov policy.Other then it just doesn't work. They had plenty of time to implement alternative energy sources since the late (70)'s. It's basically not in their best interest to do so, while the rest of us pay the cost. It will be in the private sector that resolves the problems not the gov. They know this, but will continue to collect from you and me just the same. Since NAFTA was created we have lost the good jobs to other countries. Now we can't afford to pay for higher prices. But yet continue to support the way of life for others, while ignoring or own.

  8. You really don't need to tell us you don't like George Bush.   It's obvious from your ideas on AGW, you're quite politically left wing.

    I think it's fairly obvious that taxing energy will have an adverse effect on the economy, the question is, is it worth it?

  9. Bush has said that without a plan from Congress to fix Social Security, he is allowing the inflation rate to rise from 2% to 3 to 4 % just like the model you present. We are far more worried about importing oil and the real time results of that than climate change-but GW is what is talk about-and not $30 per gallon gas. You can go back in my history and find this is what I have been saying. Glad the EPA agrees with me-but they should have given me credit-Plagiarism....

  10. Quite simply because the Bush Admin is wrong and only claiming that responding to climate change would lead to economic collapse because it's full of oil men.

    In fact, with our economy rapidly going into the crapper, a green technology boom could be the thing that pulls us out of a recession.

  11. If the US just up and decided that all energy used came from alternative sources, then yes there would be a collapse of the economy, the fossil fuel economy that the Bush family is heavily invested in.

    However the Bush family is also heavily invested in the economy of death, and as long as there is the culture fear  and war to come, they will continue to have lots of money.

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