
If the Chinese Girl's Gymnastic team didn't win any gold medals, do you think USA would be complaining?

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about the girl's ages? Personally, I think USA is just jealous and can't suck it up! And I'm from USA! I feel so ashamed of my own country for accussing another country; not for anything but for cheating in the Olympic. And in in case most people haven't already noticed, Asian girls are smaller than American girls, duh! By now I thought we would've all comprehend the "Win With Character, and Lose With Dignity" thingy, already.




  1. please leave

  2. no they wouldnt. people who say they would are lying because if the chinese lost, then nbc wouldnt be spewing hate for the blind sheep to eat up and re-spew.  

  3. The Olympics represent high ideals that are incompatible with falsifying the age of athletes.

    There are inconsistencies in the documents that provide evidence of the Chinese girls' ages.

    The Chinese are relatively new to participation in the Olympics, and it is not beyond comprehension that a government would falsify information if they thought it would benefit them, particularly when hosting the games.

    Personally, I find it curious that the Chinese are so sensitive about the issue, when they could lay it all to rest by clarifying the information to the IOC.

  4. Yes they would even if it didn't matter. i think they would have protested for Britain because britain could of gotten Bronze.

    Just so you know, the USA isn't the only team who protests. When Michael Phelps won his 7th medal the Serbian coach tried to protest it.

    I didn't believe the Chinese Cheated but after reading, I was left with many legit questions.

    BTW- Try not to have you personal experience interfere with others.

  5. The issue here is not jealousy. There are rules set for the Olympics, and if a country (any country) sends underage competitors (whether they win or not), the Olympic committee should have the right to look further into it.

    I am from the U.S., but do not have anything against the Chinese winning medals, IF they followed the rules. From what I hear, they are doing some research into the case, so we'll see what follows. If there is proof that the competitors are of age, I send my congratulations. If they are not of age, then I think the second, third, and fourth place finishers (whoever they may be) deserve the medals.

  6. The answer to your question is NO.

  7. Yes they would. How do I know? They complained BEFORE the games even started. See, unlike yourself I like to stay up-to-date with current events, and inform myself as much as possible. Anyone doing so would know this has nothing to do with being beaten. As we won golds in womens gymnastics as well.

    An interesting fact that is currently overlooked is that the new 'investigation' that started yesterday was prompted by the UK (Who lost a chance at it's first gymnastics medal in many decades when their gymnast placed 4th behind one of the Chinese in question), not the USA. They USA simply sent along an additional protest letter after realizing the British did. The USA teams were too afraid to look like whiners if they brought this up, and I don't blame them given the venom I've seen spewed on these board from people who mis-understand the situation. but now that the UK submitted the protest, we are of course on-board, as all other nations should be too where their is such grave evidence of cheating, and an ensuing cover-up.

    I have not heard ONE us citizen call Phelps a Douchbag. All i hear is praise for him and how 'amazing' he is, and how much fun it was to watch him do what he did.' I have no heard, or read ONE negative thing about that man from my fellow citizens . So I have no idea where you are getting that impression.

    You are wrong that it was the USA to bring this up again. The UK did. Are they whiners? I'd love to hear your explaination for that!!!

    You are right, Asian girls are smaller. And, that might have been enough to make this all go away if there wasn't also a growing pile of Chinese government documents claiming she is actually 14. It's not the look that started this debate.. It's the large amounts of official documents that say she is under age. The only document that even says she is 16 is a passport that was issued in February this year.

    It's the DOCUMENTS SILLY! not the way they 'look'. They way the 'look' simply supports what the official documents are telling us.

    The whole 'Asian girls look smaller' things is somewhat true.. but you can still tell the diffrence between a 14 year old asian and 16 year old by looking at comparison examples from the same culture. For example. Chinese divers, who were 16, actaully LOOKED 16 (yet of course smaller than 'western girls'). She still looked 16. These girls don't even look 12. I've coached 9-10 year old swimmers for years and these girls look just like them. if they look like 9 or 10 to me.. and Asian girls always look younger then I guess that puts them at about 14....Exactly where all the uncovered official Chinese documents say her age is.

    The person who said "The US didn't care when these girls competing the the world championships because USA won." That's irrelevant because the gymnastics age restriction only applies to the Olympics!

  8. The USA team isn't complaining.  NBC is the one that's complaining.  

  9. to be honest, no. they wouldn't because it wouldn't matter.


  10. Hey dummy not only US is complaing about it and no complaing was ever done by competitors i seen girl strait get cheated on uneven baars and she sucked it up and had to stand by the cheaters on podium and smile

    do some research  b4 you become a hater you might make more sense and sound not so ignorant

  11. Of course not.

    Nobody cares if someone cheats and loses.  

  12. I will be complaining. And in fact, other countries are complaining now too. It's not about whether US won or not. It's about playing fair and by the rules.

    By the way, I am Asian so I know how Asian girls look like. I was once their age. I mingled with Asians/Chinese their age.


  14. The BRITISH people who were investigating this were doing so before the girls even won the medal.  Why are you not trashtalking the British newspaper and the British blogger who were coming up with the same information?  Why is it always just Americans.

    I doubt for one second that you are actually an American.  If you were, you would actually bother to research that it wasn't just Americans questioning the descrepancies here.

  15. yeahh but we have proof some computer programmer found some evidence that some of the girls are only 14...try knowing what your talking about before you go blabbling your mouth

  16. No. We are, by nature, incapable of accepting defeat. The media easily manipulated everyone into thinking the Chinese were using underage athletes. That's the scary part. America is a country of sheep. I am also ashamed at our inability to accept the fact that we were bested and have to make accusations to excuse our failures. We sent our best and they sent their best and we lost. Time to suck it up and "Lose with dignity".  

  17. Just to let you know, the US did not initiate the protest- Great Britain did. Beth Tweedle could have won Britain's first gymnastics medal on uneven bars if He Kexin had not won gold- therefore, they filed a protest that has led the IOC to investigate the age of the girls.

    Hope this helps.

  18. Where have you been? The U.S. are not the only ones that are complaining. They're just the ones that stick out as the complainers, because, well they're the U.S. It's common knowledge that if you're going to blame something on somebody the U.S. is always to blame.

    Yes, we have heard that Asian women look younger than their age naturally, but do you think were that stupid. They are not 16 years old. No way no how. I am taking into account that they look younger than there age. There are two of them that I can say with confidence are 16 or over, but the others I'm not so sure.

    Also, shame on you! I am ashamed of having you as part of my country. A country that is beautiful and wonderful through all it's faults. Be proud of your country.

  19. no... but isn't it just human nature for them to come up with excuses? If there is any reason for anyone to complain, they'll use it. Any silver medalist, or anyone who doesn't come in first for that matter, always wants to be on top, and if there is slight room for them to accuse the winner of something,  they'll make it. I would too, and i think about 80% of the rest of the world would too

  20. just cancel the olympics altogether and disband the whole IOC and all NOCs... make sure all of them become jobless...  its so commercialised nowadays.. no more sporting spirits.. no more... sad...

  21. I guess you were ignoring the complaining that was going on before the events even started.

  22. in 2000, yang yun was 14yrs old when she competed in the olympics (now she is fiance of yang wei who won 2 gold this olympics). it was only till she confessed on tv that ppl knew. so why cant the chinese cheat this time especially with these small girls who look yrs beyond what documents have told us. plus the reported documents and websites listed that one chinese girl as 14 has risen concerns.

  23. American should remember what happened to Paul Hamm in 2004 and Devers in 1996!

  24. Of course no one would care about the age of the Chinese girls if they didn't win.

    It's sort of like if Barry Bonds had a career batting average of .207 and never hit a home run -- no one would care that he did steroids if he still sucked.

  25. Excuse me but if you paid more attention to what is going on one of them is only 14. 16 is the minimum age to be an olympian. The Chineese gov. is trying to hide the facts even after they come out off of their own web sites.  

  26. I don't know about the rest of America, but I remember watching the semifinals of the gymnastics and the thing that kept sticking in my mind was "wow, some of those girls look like they could be 11 years old". Nobody was winning anything at the time, I wasn't even aware of the age limit, and yet that still bothered me. I've known enough chinese people to say with full confidence that a couple of those girls are absolutely NOT 16 years old. Gold medals aside, when there are rules in high stakes games, they should be followed. Shame on China for being so dishonest.

    You don't have to listen to the media to figure all of that out. It is so ridiculously obvious. Even reading the articles and seeing how the officials and the Chinese team responds confirms it for me. When answers are given in a roundabout way, aka, there are no direct answers to questions that should be incredibly easy to answer, then it is clear that there is some serious lying and covering up going on. I don't care if they keep their gold medals, I just want them to fess up!

  27. If you just read the actual news you'll find that there are some legit questions to be asked.

    "BEIJING -- Just nine months before the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government's news agency, Xinhua, reported that gymnast He Kexin was 13, which would have made her ineligible to be on the team that won a gold medal this week."

    If you watch the HBO special on China's Stolen Children (linked below), you will discover that China has a history of:

    Not even giving out a birth certificate to born children in China if it was a "illegal birth." In China you must be 18 yr old female and a 22 yr old male AND be married in order to be issued a LICENSE to have 1 child. If this is not the case, the child is not even recognized by the Chinese government to even exist. The gov can make up a certificate or change one at any time. They control everything. There are no checks and balances in China's gov.

    Given this and other related facts that China is a Communist nation, strives to seek total control over the media (which it does - one gov controlled media organization - called "Xinhua") and seeks total control over its people.

    The HBO special also talked about how it is now illegal in China to post missing children messages anywhere because there were so many posts.

    Watch the HBO special, and you find that the questions regarding age could be more truer than you previously thought.

  28. yup, sore losers.  sad, pathetic sore losers.

  29. It's not the USA that's complaining.  In fact the controversy about their ages began long before the Olympics so the medals have nothing to do with it.  You're just reading too many posts on YA that claim the Americans are being sore losers when it's not the U.S who is behind it.

    Incidentally in one of the races in which Phelps won the gold the swimmer he beat out by .01 second protested (his coach did anyway) and questioned if the touch pad was working properly.  Not a word has been said about him being a sore loser even when he had no reason to think he had won and no rules were violated.

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