
If the Democratic party is the?

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party of the people, than why is it that

1) the first women appointed to the Supreme Court was appointed by a Republican?

2) First Black Secatary of Defense, appointed by a Republican?

3 First black Sec of State, appointed by a Republican?

Your answers will be appreciated




  1. Why stop there when you can go back to Lincoln freeing the slaves?  A Dem President appointed the first Black to the Supreme Court, the first Black to a cabinet post, and the first woman as Secretary of State.  Clinton got two-for-one when he appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a woman and a Jew, to the Supreme Court.    

    Each of the Bush II appointments was for show to misdirect the attention of the American people away from the mean-spirited Republican politics of exclusiveness as usual.  Condi was a light-weight as the Presidential Assistant on National Security Affairs and even moreso as Secretary of State (see all of her testimony before Congress and her most recent performance during the Georgia crisis: "I hope this time Mr. Putin means it when he says Russia is pulling out of Georga.").  But she is nothin if not loyal to her boss.  

    Nobody in the Bush Administration listened to Powell when he said a war with Iraq was a mistake. Then, to add insult to injury, they forced him to shuck and jive and throw away the tremendous credibility he had built up over the years to make the case for the lies to justify the Iraq War before the UN.  Now that's a real high-tech lynching.  

    The ultimate slap in the face on this issue was the nomination to the Supreme Court of Clarence Thomas just to watch the Dems squirm over their commitment to the public good versus their commitment to affirmative action.  Well, in the end, Senate tradition won out over the public interest and the appointment was approved.

    When Lyndon Johnson betrayed the Solid South and its heritage of hate to call for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one by one the so-called Southern Democrats switched to the Republican Party, where elitism, racism, and divisiveness was, is, and will be a comfortable way of life.  Nixon invented the Southern strategy and his respect for States Rights as a code word for segregation now and forever, but Reagan exploited it to its fullest.

    If you're proud of the Republican's recent record on this issue, how do you explain the savaging of Harold Ford, Jr. during the Tennessee primary?  

    Oh, I know, that wasn't paid for by the Republican National Committee or its Tennessee counterpart, but we know where the money and the sentiment came from. Wink wink.  

    Besides, I know you'll say: Look what we did to McCain in 2000; you wouldn't want us to treat Ford any differently than we treated McCain, would you?  Of course not.  That would be discrimination.

  2. they are all uncle toms.

  3. The first woman secretary of state was appointed by a Democrat. The first woman VP nominee was a Democrat. Blacks aren't the only "people" this party represents. Don't try to make it about race.

  4. Because Republicans were president for 20 of the last 30 years.

  5. I fail to see your point. A few privileged blacks, like Condi Rice, get appointed by blatant racists. I think the working mass of people are able to see that the Democrats are their hope. The Republican way of "appointing" blacks is like McCain appointing that token Palin: cynical at best.  

  6. Maybe everyone else was too lazy to do the job.

  7. Because they are the party of "what have you done for me lately".  Seems that many African Americans are enthused by the economic policies of the Democrats because it is what makes sense for them today.  The matters of advancing their race to equal rights simply isn't as important as what is done for their pocketbooks without having to advance.

    Also, you can throw in there that the Republican party was formed as a break off from the Whigs to a great extent because the Republicans were anti-slavery.

  8. Because the DNC




    DNC, the new sexist party

    Good point, star for you!!!

  9. Because democrats would rather get the best person and it doesn't matter if he/she is white or black

    if the republicans are the party of small government why did the government grow in size during the bush years?  

  10. Not just a “political” choice, a gimmick, a Karl Rove trick, staged quickly on the day after the Democratic Convention to steal thunder from that event, and done without proper vetting. Proof that that’s precisely how McCain is going to run our country: Just as Bush/Cheney did, as a toy, a means to get and keep power, without regard to the wellbeing of its citizens.

  11. Are you actually bragging about Condeleeza Rice?


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