
If the Democrats are the party of minorities, how come they never celebrate the success of Asian-Americans?

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I live in the Los Angeles area and I see all these Asian immigrants send there kids to prestigious colleges all day long. And they aren't rich either. They send their kids to resource-poor schools that liberals are always whining about yet they manage to make it.

So if the Dems are truly the minority party why no talk of the success of Asians and always the pessimistic talk of other minority groups. Do Dems secretly want to keep minorities down to get cheap votes?




  1. So you're saying Asians are racially superior to other minorities?

    Has no one else found this a little odd?

  2. Most Asians have traditional values of making something of oneself, supporting oneself and looking to no one else to take care of oneself.  This does not fit in with the Dem message that people need the government to take care of themselves.

  3. Because Democrats don't care about the issues of Minorities (By the way, if Democrats quit making minorities feel like the victim, then Racism would become a non issue)

    What they (Dems) do care about is making everyone feel like their life needs to be better. And then blame Republicans for why it isn't

  4. In truth, its just a ploy to gain votes. That's the honest truth.  

  5. Its also the party that allowed Bill Clinton to fly the confederate flag over the AK state house when he was governor.  They also put Robert Byrd (Former KKK member), the senate majority leader for the democrats.

    Democrats are full of themselves.

  6. Why aren't Asians more involved with politics?

  7. i am asian trust me on this one...

    we try to make it despite the republicans, and most often the asian male has no job after graduation even though most of his white classmates have landed a job.

    america is by far from being perfect when it comes to race.

    graduated top of my class and the only jobs waiting for me is a job at staples restocking the floor, A man from Europe has a better chance of landing a job in America then I do.

    Strange thing ... if I had a submissive pusssssy and a hollywood brainwashed mind like many asian females I would have the best chance in america for landing a job. Yes, white males dictate the decision and they decide with their diccccks.

    Just because Asians do not complain about the injustices doesn't mean things are good.

  8. I don't know that the Dems are the "party of minorities".  However, we are much more inclusive than the Republicans.  Check out our delegates... much more diverse than what you'll see at the RNC, I promise you that!

  9. the democrat party needs victims. people who support themselves are considered successful and the best way to deal with success, in the democrat agenda, is to tax those successful, self reliant people into the poor house, thereby making the working class more poor, then, with the help of the lying mainstream media, blame the republicans (who are people who just happen to work harder to stay ahead of the noose of the liberal agenda, but blame them for the problems, and so the cycle goes.

  10. Unlike other minorities Asian-Americans they don't sit around and let the government take care of them.  They are very hard working and know the value of a good education.  Because they can't get them on welfare the Democrats can't control them.

  11. I have yet to see an Asian American immigrant living in poverty.

  12. Well you dang republicans make up your minds!@!! What do you want the democrats to do throw money at the Asian??? Oh wait we are already accused of doing that.

    Here it is in a nut shell, the democrats are not going to let the children starve and die, even though we are pro-choice. However if people want to better themselves then they need to get off their rump roasts and do it. The opportunites are available but they have to work for them and earn them such as in grades for scholarships.

    we are acuse of giving money away and supporting lazy people. then we are accused of keeping people down.

  13. Only one answer: HYPOCRISY!

    After all, it's the Jack *** party.

  14. Bill Clinton was Governor of Alaska?!  Since when?

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