
If the Democrats fail to win the White House after such a disastrous president where do they go?!? ?

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O.K. You all know that I'm the most sensible person on here!

After 8 years of such a disastrous president; if the Democrats can't win this time. what on earth do they do?!?




  1. They will whine about how the election was 'stolen' and make excuses that avoids having to admit that they keep presenting lame candidates to the American people.

    Look at the latest: A racist who associates with terrorists.  Only an ultra liberal could think that this is a 'good' candidate.

  2. They need to stop pushing leftists on their moderate base.

    No Marxists for me!  This life-long Dem is voting a straight ticket for the GOP!

  3. Please keep in mind that this eight years of disastrous presidency was made possible with the support of the Democrats.

  4. Regroup, and try to get out of their habit of nominating candidates that are just too far-left to win a presidential election.

  5. If the last 8 years were truly disasterous, and I mean IF, and the democrats cannot win, then the Democrats really need to evaluate their message.  

    For 8 years it has been doom and gloom, everything is bad nothing is good, Bush is an idiot, bush is stupid, Cheney is running this country, Bush is a criminal.  I am not a GOP supporter, but if you want me to vote democrat, then that was not the right approach.

    Personally, aside from foreign affairs, there isn't any difference between the GOP and Democrats.  The promise everybody everything.  Then figure out how to pay for it.

    They need to stop promising people things and do only what is good for the country as a whole.  That would be to give to give the states back their powers...

  6. We all know you're the most sensible person on here? That's news to me.

    If they're smart, they'll stop offering up far left Marxist candidates. Studies show that most Americans are right of center, not good for a far left candidate. Although they do their best, along with the medias help, to paint their far left candidates as moderates...

  7. there is only 3 reasons they will fail:

    the lies from the right winged propaganda machine worked

    racism is still alive in this country

    Republicans will only vote party line.

    Julie - those numbers are false.  I would even bet you know that.

  8. We will win this election, after all look who the Republicans have as their candidate?

    Obama-Biden '08

  9. The Dems can't win the Presidency by raising everyone's taxes and playing the class envy game. The rich people own factories and companies. I don't know a time when a poor person wrote out a paycheck for another person. The Dems will not win. We can't afford Obama.


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  10. Are you better off than you were 8 years ago? If not, it's probably not the presidents fault...

    The democrats didn't provide any "good" candidates..

  11. Farther left next time!

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