
If the Democrats win will they make it ILLEGAL to teach our kids Morals?

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If Obama wins do you think that he and Nancy Pelosi will pass a bill making it illegal to teach kids ANY morals or values?

Will they make it illegal to be a Conservative?




  1. Haha, conservative morals, good one!

  2. Stupidest thing I've read all morning.

  3. Yes, because Democrats are evil satanists out to burn down churches and eat your babies and Conservatives are holier than thou saints who could do no wrong *sarcasm*

  4. Teaching children values and moralities should not be left to the schools or Obama. If you're responsible enough to produce children, it is your responsibility to teach them morals and values.  

  5. Demorats don't understand or wish to understand morals. That is why they destroy public property in protests (anti-war, PETA etc).

  6. Another absolutely stupid question.

  7. They already have.  Check out the curriculum in public schools.  They teach nothing about morality but boy can they teach recycling.


  8. no, they will teach many morals through education

    not the "don't you do that" approach, that works soooo well

    but you can teach them what ever you like in your own home...oh wait....republicans can't be bothered with their own kids....i keep forgetting that

  9. We don't have to make it illegal to be a Conservative,Conservatives by definition are a species of people who always make themselves extinct by moving so far right that they inevitably fall of of the cliff/

    Really smart Conservatives [ no it's not an oxymoron] know that their day in the sun is just about over which is why they they will try to get as many of their repressive programs enacted before it's time to once again leave the American stage.

  10. LOL I doubt that bill will make it off the floor. I doubt it makes it off the rough draft board, lol.

  11. Its already illegal to teach our kids morals, read your constitution.  Who's morals are you wanting the government to teach our kids anyways?  George Bush's?  No thanks.  Its not the governments job to teach our kids morals or religion or values, its the parents job. I thought the Republicans wanted more hands off government, make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.  The government just needs to teach good ol' readin, writin, and 'rithmatic.

  12. Of course they will.  Schools and courts already try to dictate what we are going to do in how to raise our kids, and they are liberal.  So, yes.  They will try to force us to not take responsibility for ourselves and what not.

  13. these will be some of the first things we first learn, when they ROUND US UP and place us in the RE-EDUCATION CAMPS...

  14. They won't have to change any laws to do that; they will lead by example.

  15. Easy, girl!  Republicans are walking a fine line between morality and hypocrisy these days.

  16. yer a redneck, why not send them to some dumb church to teach them morals if you are too lazy to

  17. Of course liberals want children to be taught morals. As long as it's the liberal view of morals. Which is whatever feels good and right to each person. Doesn't mattter if it's pedophilia, drunk driving, drug use,beastiality,etc.  

  18. Will mindless conservatives ever stop stating inflammatory falsehoods in order to create visceral negative reactions?

  19. What the h**l are you talking about?? Where are your sources?? You're so wrong!

  20. Well, if McCain and Palin get in, we know premarital pregnancies are A-OK, don't we?

  21. LMMFAO, So the children will get their morals from McCain. Who cheated on his wife and then married his mistress. Or maybe learn morals  from Palin with the knocked up teenager, oh and now the fiancee who just so happen to have his myspace page taken down, because he had on there he didn't want the kid. Now their engaged?! LMAO! For real? Oh Oh and how about this one... Sarah got up their and said Obama has never passed a major bill. WOW. She should read over those speeches before she just gets up and makes a fool of herself. One of Obama major bills have just become law and guess what? He worked with a republican on it.

    So lets recap.

    McCain: adultery

    Palin: Liar and due to NO s*x education her daughter does know how babies are made.

  22. Democrat=liberals

    liberals--= no morals or accountability for your actions

  23. lol You're adorable.

    Only Republicans outlaw personal opinions and beliefs. That's why they try to overturn Roe vs. Wade and outlaw g*y marriage.

    You obviously can't legislate beliefs or outlaw them; but don't tell that to Conservatives.

    Again, you try desperately to make a political point, but end up sounding like an idiot. "A" for effort, though.  

  24. wow, you are just so smart.  NO!

  25. What???

    Try and make sense, it's a very important skill to have.

  26. It already is illegal to beat your kids.

  27. Yes they probably would try.

    The fairness doctrine, or as I lovingly refer to it, "the unfairness doctrine" will squelch freespeech.

    Children should be taught at home it is not the place of the school to teach morals, but they do anyways. They really have overstepped their bounds. And we have allowed them.

  28. No.

    That's just silly.

  29. no itd be unconstitutional

    not like that matters any way

  30. probably, since they think that the govt should have the right to teach your kids "morals" in public schools. (whatever that is)

  31. Wake up !!!!! are you for real? You know better than that, or if you had any Morals you would.

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