
If the Earth and the Moon got a divorce, who would get to keep all of the satellites?

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Keep in mind that Earth is the husband and the Moon is the wife




  1. Both would be unfit and grandma pluto would be granted custudy by the cosmic courts.  

  2. Do not make yourself worried for satellites;)

  3.   The sun would have first dibs.

       Come to think of it yeah.

  4. Well, all the satellites orbit the Earth and seem to have a special relationship that the moon isn't capable of having. I don't know if the moon is capable of handling those little guys. I would have to say Earth would get to keep them... they seem to revolve around him...

    EDIT: jmr that couldn't happen because pluto has been demoted to a "plutoid" and no longer holds the legal rights of the planets. It would have to challenge the IAU for special rights as a plutoid.

    Now that I think about it, the satellites may be left to uncle Venus. Earth and Venus have a lot of the same characteristics. The problem is, Venus is such a hot head.

    Jupiter and Saturn have their hands full with all of their own satellites, and I don't think they could take Earth's. And I don't think it is in the best interest of the satellites to be left with gas giants, if you catch my drift.

    Mercury has extreme mood swings caused by its avid temperature changes...

    So it looks as if the satellites might have to fend for themselves out there.

  5. Hello:

    Your "proof" example is rather weak and I can not imagine whom the judges and lawyers might be represented by in this global divorce case.

    No satellites orbit the Moon now. Some have been sent on rather temporary missions around the Moon, but none circle it on a

    continuous basis.

    Result: Earth keeps the birds...Moon goes elsewhere for solace.

    All major and minor satellites orbit the Earth.

  6. well, the satellites are orbiting earth so id say it would go to the earth.

    however, have u ever herd the term "Mother Earth" ? lol

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