
If the GOP totally had control of the USA, to what other country would USA become similar?

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If the GOP totally had control of the USA, to what other country would USA become similar?




  1. America would be America. You can't compare it to any other nation. We would continue to be safe and prosper.

  2. n**i Germany

    But you guys are already well on the way to that.

  3. Current Countries?

    None, we would be thrown back to days long past.

    n**i Germany

    Stalinist Russia

    France before the revolution.

  4. The United States back in the day when we didn't have a bunch of hand-wringing politicians getting nothing done.

  5. I am thinking the Third Riech.

  6. none. We are the greatest country on earth. We have no comparison. However, if the left had compete control, we would look like Red China.

  7. h**l

  8. there is no similiar. The GOP HAD control over the USA for 6 years, they started 2 wars, failed to protect us, set record deficits, and ran up more debt than ever has been run up in the history of the world

    they are unique

  9. The Roman Empire, until it imploded,  

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