
If the Georgia bigfoot is proven real, what will happen?

by Guest33963  |  earlier

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wHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE Sasquatch people?

-will they put them on reservations,

-give them the forests

-pass a law for their protection, it might already exists)

-be the new JAWS for hikers and hunters

-will the media appologize to bigfoot researchers, for treaing them like garbage

-segregate them, put them in schools,convert them to christians,or sign em up for the NBA





  1. You talk too much...thanks for giving me a head ache.....why worry about bigfoot? World war 3 has already begun..children all over the world are starving to death...real people are being shot to death every day and your worried about a big foot.

  2. If this creature was proven real, then scientists everywhere would c**p a pickle. Sadly, this won't be the proof us optimists are looking for because the finders have already ruined their credibility by changing their story, bragging about it, and bringing in bigfoot fraud Tom Biscardi to authenticate the creature.   If they're intent on prooving their case instead of doing it for the money and fame, then they'll bring in real authenticators, not media whores like Biscardi.

  3. Probably all the above..... too bad the DNA tests found the blood on the "bigfoot" is human blood and possum blood.... oh well.

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