
If the Invisible Fire-Breathing Dragon that lives in my Garage and poops out Marshmallows doesn't exist, ?

by  |  earlier

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Then where do all the Marshmallows come from then, huh? Answer me that!




  1. Then evolution and the big bang cannot exist.

    Secondly, I'm a true Atheist when it comes to the FB Marshmellow Dragon.

    I'm not gonna surf hear all day trying to prove he's not real. I'm not gonna insult you or none of that. If that's what you believe have a marshmellowy good day. i love everyone....

  2. i challenge ppl to disprove it, and lack of evidence doesnt count

  3. The Marshmallow Fairy.... DUH!!!!

  4. From those damned kids next door who are shooting your house w/ marshmallows using a nerf gun.

  5. Because there are still monkeys.

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