
If the Jets win the Super Bowl, will Brett Favre be considered a better QB than Vinny Testaverde???

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Testaverde did win a Heisman Trophy and did take the Jets to the AFC Championship game during the 1998 season..




  1. He has been a better quarterback...

  2. Even if the Jets don't win the Super Bowl or don't even make the playoffs, Favre is still a better QB than Testaverde.  

  3. Brett has a ring

    Vinny doesnt

    does this answer your question

  4. favre could lose all 16 games and he will still be considered better then vinny

  5. I think he already is.

  6. The Jets could go 0-16 and Brett Favre will still be considered better and he will still make the HOF on his first ballot.  

  7. Brett Farve is already way better than Vinny!!!

  8. Farve won an NFL Super Bowl, sooo... that would be two which would put him even farther above testeverde.

  9. Ok and what records does Testaverde own? Favre is one of the top 10 greatest quarterbacks of all time (the only 3x MVP). Testaverde gets remembered for looking weird and having a funny last name. Favre has always been a better QB than Vinny.  

  10. I'll say.............. yes.

  11. They wont win sry.

  12. Well college is college and more matured and super talented athletes can win the Heisman. As for the question, do you really need an answer for it? Brett was worshiped in a legendary team while Vinny could hardly command a starting gig except with the Jets. Brett by a mile, in fact 2 miles and a quarter better

  13. Brett was a better QB than Vinny before you typed this question.

    The results of this season will have no bearing on the answer.

    Brett Favre did not come back to win a Super Bowl.  The Jets will be horrible with or without him.

  14. ur an idiot Vinny sucked okay he's a loser. And also im glad what Philip Rivers did to ur kid im gonna give ur kid 20 dollars if he licks the bottom of my shoe.

  15. What a silly comparison! I really hope youre joking.

  16. ya Vinny took the Jets to a AFC Championship but no Super Bowl like Brett Favre has lead the the Packers to. Brett was better than Vinny when he was born.!!!!

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