
If the LHC increases Gravitational pull, would it increase our chances of getting hit by an NEO??

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Just trying to understand this c**p.




  1. Yes, but why would it increase gravitational pull?

  2. I'm not sure what you are asking exactly. the LHC isn't going to create mass, and add gravity to the earth.

    there are no dangers asociated with the LHC. the simple truth is, we've been performing the same type of experiments with other atomic accelorators for a couple of decades. we've been making microscopic black holes and making antimatter for a while now. we started making microscopic black holes a lot about 10 years ago, but the first one was made around the late 80's. we have made antimatter before. infact we just made some in swiss a while back. its nothing new, but it is being publicized.

    did you notice that ever since the 2012 myth got started, yahoo has been posting a lot of news articles about exo planets, and "planet x", and the possibility of life on other planets, and now the particle accelorator? its all a matter to gain attention. they know there are tons of people out there who believe in this 2012 nonsense, and they are going to push it as far as they can.

    the LHC is perfectly safe. it is the most powerful one ever built, but it is still extreamily safe. a routine saftey examination was performed in 2003 and tested what it is going to be doing in August, and everything turned out fine.

    these microscopic black holes aren't as bad as you think. first of all, when you think of black holes you picture this black hole in the middle of space, warping the matter and light all around it. well, the truth is, it doesn't look like that. it is invisible... its dark matter. dark matter is invisible. we think of the world ending whenever someone mutters the words "black hole".

    here's some prespective. if the sun were to suddenly disapear, and a black hole of the same size and mass was put in its place, we wouldn't get sucked in. we would continue our normal orbit. we would die because of no light, but the point is, the world won't get sucked into the black hole.

    these microscopic black holes are smaller than a water molecule. and they almost instantly disapear after they are made. they are so small that the universe will basically fix it itself in a matter of miliseconds. they won't suck anything in. they will have the same gravitational pull as they did when they were still normal atoms.

    so i hope that puts it in prespective.

    and if there was a real problem, astrophysicists, such as myself, would be the first person on the plane to the LHC to stop it. but the truth is, nothing is going to happen. its going to be one of the most groundbreaking modern scientific endevors, and people should be embracing it instead of fearing it.

    EDIT: i just saw your second question.

    these findings will expand our current knowledge of dark matter, and simple physics in the universe and will help us create better technology for space travel, exploration, and for the saftey of planet earth. artificial, man-made black holes could be controlled, and used to destroy asteroids, and other dangerous celestial bodies headed towards earth. its not a matter of the black hole sucking them in, its a matter of simply using a mass amount of gravity to steer them somewhere else. this idea is not so farfetched, but is a long ways away from being achieved. we can also learn how to create alternitive rocket power devices that can make a spaceship travel close to the speed of light. this would allow us to colonize on other planets, take energy from other stars, and become an intergalactic species, thus increasing our species longevity as a whole. throughout history, 99.99% of every organism that has stepped foot on this earth has gone extinct, and it would be a shame if humans were one of them to go as well. the LHC will expand knoweldge more than we give it credit for. it is the first step towards understanding some of the biggest cosmic phenominons, and using them to our advantage.

    and by the way, i aplaud you for seperating fact from fiction and not just going with what the internet says. there is too much fiction on the internet, and i'm glad your taking the time to understand this rather that to make up your mind on a buch of worthless, meaningless, false information like so many other people do.

  3. I don't know who says that the LHC will increase gravitational pull. The only way the gravitational pull of the Earth can increase is by adding more mass. Where will the extra mass come from?

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