
If the Myanmar govt refuses the foreigners' help, why should foreigners have a guilty conscience about it?

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The UN is saying this is a catastrophe, and some people think we should force our way in to help the poor. If the govt wants them to die, what can we do to stop it? My answer: Not much, unless you want to invade the country.




  1. Three monster?

    One-eye monster came Saturday.

    Precious life being took away.

    Showing debris and ruins day.

    Sadly such a scene is play,

    another monster live by days.

    Chewing itself and blocking the way.

    Dear kind folks, don't dismay.

    One last monster stand on air.

    it's the anger that consume the brains.

    I like to begged for your wits and patience in helping the Myanmar.

    it is very critical now, but anger solve no problem.

  2. Foreigners should not have a guilty conscience about the actions of the Myanmar government, but this does present a classic problem of the smart thing to do vs. the right thing to do. The smart thing to do is to just leave the situation alone. The right thing to do is to do whatever it takes to get aid to the poor. Maybe the two can be combined. The best thing to do may be to make sure it costs the Myanmar government's ruling class enough to make them consider the UN's opinion.

  3. I agree with you.  If they don't want help, so be it.

  4. We invade and kill one govt over Gasoline oh my mistake weapons of mass destruction did they ever find them? anyway, we cant do NOTHING for the young and helpless that need help b/c of what the govt say.

  5. Very sad ..

    It is the Gov. that is stopping aid to the Victims of the Cyclone.

    Aid should be Air Dropped directly to the thousands of survivors That are barely clinging to life with no hope of help ever arriving....  

    Thank God we don't live under such a Government!!!!!

  6. My answer: it hasn't stopped you before, invading the countries under a variety of false excuses, why stop now, when the cause is just?

    Don't tell me you've suddenly developed spines in this precise moment of evolution?

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