
If the Obama's had a teen daughter who were pregnant, how would Repubs react ?

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Not how they are responding to the Palin debacle that's for sure !




  1. Considering that Dumbell O'Reilly called Brittany Spears parents "pinheads" for allowing her sister to get pregnant, then did a complete 180 when Palin revealed that Bristol was pregnant saying it was a "private matter between parents and their children", I think the reaction is clear.

  2. They would say something about how they are unfit parents, have no morals, if they can't keep track of their children, how can they keep track of the country, things like that.

  3. You mean, if Joe Biden had a teenage daughter who was pregnant?

    Last time I checked, he was the one running for #2, not Obama.

  4. Hmmm, lets see now ! If the Obama's had a teen daughter who were pregnant, they would be the poster parents for bad parenting everywhere ! Those people who keep saying Palin's teen daughter's pregnancy shouldn't reflect on Palin and her politics are playing the only card they have !

    The fact of the matter is that Palin herself is somewhat of a rebel and she obviously enjoys s*x as she has what 5 kids ! She has admitted to smoking pot in her youth but as she makes clear, it was "legal" in Alaska !

    Palin has more negative baggage than McCain's camp obviously knew about otherwise, she wouldn't have been chosen as his running mate !

    I wonder how much money Palin and her cronies receive from the Alaska Permanent Fund !

    I think it's time we had another "Contract With America" this time focusing on out of wedlock teen pregnancies ! Palin could author it !

  5. We'd keep our mouths shut, because that is the decent thing to do.

    Those Democrats rumor-mongering about Trig, Bristol, and Sarah are undermining ther own party.

    It is so sad to hear Democrats shooting their candidate in the foot, but it makes me glad too, because every attack on the Palins results in another vote for the McCain-Palin ticket!  

  6. they would freak out because of how conservative they are and would over dramatize the entire situation.  

  7. I would say his daughter has nothing to do with the candidates of the election.  It isn't enough to destroy his credibility and it goes the other way too.  So let's move on.

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