
If the Out of Africa theory is correct, doe that mean that those who migrated to Europe and Asia continued to?

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evolve and those who stayed in Africa didn't?




  1. Evolution is a continuing process, regardless of where a species is.  However different environments are likely to select for different genes & isolation is likely to "fix" specific genes in a population. The "out of Africa" part of sapiens spread throughout the World has never been disputed to any degree.  What has been debated is the interbreeding with more archaic species of humans found in Europe & Asia, or what is refered to as gene introgression.  Recent evidence suggests that some genes in both Asians & Europeans came from Homo Erectus or Homo Neandertal.  I suspect the "multi-regional" hypothesis on sapien evolution outside Africa is correct.  However one cannot say one group of any species is more evolved than another because evolution has no goal & is not a lineral process.

    Two genes strongly suspected of being "introgressed genes"

    are MCPH1 & PDHA1. The former appears to have origions in Europe or the mid east & the latter appeared in Asia.  The startling things about both genes is that both are over 1 million years old, but suddenly appeared in a species no older than 250K yrs.

    Edit: to the person that gave me the thumb down... that doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that you are too narrow minded & ignorant to check out the links I gave you & perhaps activate some part of your brain that still works.

  2. every one evolved

    even the ones who stayed in Africa, when we left Africa we all looked like apes.

  3. Modern humans originated in Africa and spread out from there.Evolution in the human race continues and, due to the number of humans, evolution is rapid. Just because people stayed in Africa doesn't mean their evolution stopped because of geography. One could propose that those who left Africa "should have" had their evolution end as they had left the location that caused their evolution.

    The Human "Hobbits" "Homo floresiensis," recently discovered in Asia appear to be an example of rapid evolutionary change in an isolated population

    "over thousands of years, the species became smaller because environmental conditions favored smaller body size. Dwarfing of mammals on islands is a well-known process and seen worldwide. Islands frequently provide a limited food supply, few predators, and few species competing for the same environmental niche. Survival would depend on minimizing daily energy requirements. "


    Within the last 500 years there's been a world-wide mingling of humans. There are very few isolated populations left.

  4. Evolution is a never ending force, humans have never stopped evolving and continue to evolve today, including those populations from Africa.

  5. Apes have white skin, so black skin itself is an evolutionary adaptation. Homo Sapiens is still evolving, both inside and outside Africa - but the few million years since we left Africa really isn't long enough for major changes.

  6. No!!! All organisms on earth are evolving.

  7. I believe the Out of Africa theory is accurate but the time period is not.

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