
If the Packers have a losing season this year......?

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How do you think the front office and management will justify not making Brett Favre feel welcome to stay on and trading him off. I'm only saying if they do, so stay calm. It's not guaranteed Favre would make it but there was a better chance with Brett that they would have gone to the playoffs in Green Bay. Stay calm and don't be rude when answering. If you are, I won't even read your answer. Note I said IF, not saying Green Bay is going to lose. I do also understand Brett wanted out of Green Bay. One reason was he did not feel welcome.




  1. The Packers will go 7-9 with Aaron Rodgers, it was stupid to try to make Favre a back up, he gave the nation a reason to watch the Pack.A.Rodgers 16 td's,13int's.Favre w/NYJ-24 td's,10int's.Jets will go 10-6 this year,2nd in the East.

  2. if the packers miss the playoffs i wouldn't be surprised if the shareholders and fans get ted thompson and mark murphy fired...there is no doubt in my mind that those two guys ran favre out of green bay, and while i understand brett didn't want to be there it's only because he knew that the team didn't want him...the pressure is now on aaron rodgers to prove ted thompson right, he was thompson's pick in the draft several years ago and now he has to step into the void that brett leaves

  3. to be quite honest,

    brett needed to go.

    hes been saying oh im gonna retire

    then doesnt retire

    for a number of years now.

    do you know how stressful that would be for the coach?

    and the team?

    i think they can justify it.

    he was going to quit eventually,

    then this year he said he did.

    they needed to train a new quarterback.

    give the poor guy a chance.

    maybe he'll end up being better than favre.

    one person doesnt make an entire team,

    and even if they lose,

    well, all teams have off years.

    theres always next year. (:

  4. Of course the packers might not have a good season, because Rodgers is a rookie, and he's been getting such negative pressure and no support from the fans. But i won't be mad at all. I'd rather start fresh than bring back a man who never should've retired knowing he didn't want to.

  5. If they have a bad season this year, the Packers will be verbally assaulted by the fans and media worse than they are now.  Basically, the Packers are saying that Rodgers can at least lead them to the NFC Championship game - where Favre led them last season.  If that doesn't happen, they're going to look like goats.

  6. Now, I'm looking ahead and wondering if the Jets are going to have a winning season this year.  Will be interesting to watch.

  7. Packers had to let go of Favre at some point. Packers front office would have never been in the is situation is Favre would have never retired. I think the Packers will do fine this year. It is definatly over looked at just how well the Packers are as a team and not at the fact that Favre was there. I still think they have the best WR tandum and 2 of the strongest CB. Plus, Grant is going to make A-Rodgs job a h**l of a lot easier.  

    The Packers should have treated Favre a lot better than what they did but I do understand the spot Favre put them in with wanting to come back. Happy this is over and we can get geared up to play football.  

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