
If the Presidential vote were today, who would you vote for? McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden?

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Give a few reasons why you like your candidates... convince me why I should vote for them in a few short reasons.




  1. Obama/Biden - the most qualified pair!  

  2. McCain. I voted for Obama when he ran for the US Senate. He did not keep his campaign promises then so why should he get another vote from me. He campaigned on veterans issues then and completely abandoned them after his election. Illionois veterans are still at the bottom when it comes to disability compensation. Yet, he never had time to do what he was elected to do because he was busy doing his self promoting book tour and starting his run for President. 143 days on the job out of 3 1/2 years!

  3. McCain/Palin because they are the only ones qualified to run the country. McCain is the only one who actually fought for the country and has a lifetime of public service. Also we can't afford the massive tax increases Obama proposes

  4. Obama/Biden!!!! So what McCain fought for the country? He's like 115 years old, he's just a mini-Bush if you ask me....

  5. Obama/ Biden.....McCain will keep us in IRAQ LONGER, and Palin will ABUSE power for PERSONAL reasons like she did as gov. of Alaska.

  6. I don't think I would vote for either. I am still waiting for each person to say, "these are the issues that American's really care about, and this is where I stand on them." I don't think that either side has done that yet. One time its one thing and the next time, its on the other side.

    I have a lot of research to do.

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