
If the Rapture were to happen.....?

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just as it is described in Revalations like the dead rising from the ground and the seas, people disppearing right in front of you, etc. Would that actually prove the existance of God?




  1. It should... but the majority of those left behind will still not "believe"...  

  2. Find me rapture in the book! The word is not there !

  3. It sure would help!  lol.

  4. No, but it would prove the foresight of George A Romero

  5. It just means that the guy who wrote the book got a lucky guess.

  6. I don't think that the people left behind would understand what was taking place. There would be total confussion throughout the world.

  7. If there were no other reasonable explanation, I might have to consider the Rapture as proof of the Christian deity.

  8. If it were to happen, then yeah

    but it hasn't happened yet

  9. Sure, it would for me.  I still wouldn't worship god because I think the god described in the Bible doesn't deserve worship, but I would believe he existed.

  10. Umm, the idea of the rapture was created by an American preacher in the 1800's and is a relatively new thing. Look it up.

    Revelations simply discusses the alleged destruction of mankind.  

  11. Now we all know that's never going to happen.

  12. Maybe for some, but not everyone, especially to those who never heard the prophecies.

    Trust me, a day after this happens, there will be all kinds of theories from renowned scientists all of which makes perfect sense, and most will believe what they told to believe.

    Personally I wonder if this does happen if there won't be some cataclysmic event that coincides with the rapture and thus the world barely notices one over the other. Just a guess, and I'm not 100% sure if and when the rapture(s) will occur.  

  13. What else would it prove? All you have to do man is think about our atmosphere, us humans on this globe, the only one that supports life, the unique and delicate balances of the oxygen we breath, the Sun how it gives just enough heat to warm the earth and us, and the moon to guide the Tides, Its pretty incredible when you think about it, Dont ever let your train of thought go that way, the Devil wants you not to believe. Belive anyway.

  14. yup

  15. Actually the rapture is not found in Revelations but in Matthew and Thessalonians. As to it proving the existence of some it will but most others will be deceived by other explanations. Man loves to turn what God has done into the mundane and thus comfort their delusion that there is no God.

  16. Nah, I'd just think I was an extra in the next Resident Evil movie.  

  17. First--it is the Book of revelation not revelations. common error.You are referring to The white throne judgement. Look in two places 1st Thessalonians 4:16; 1st Corinthians 15:51. A lot of people will try to say: the word "rapture" does not appear in the bible.  True enough. But the Bible was translated from the latin Vulgate "Rapture", when used in eschatological terms, is an English word used in place of the Latin word raptus; taken from the Vulgate, which in turn is a translation of the Koine Greek word harpazo, which is found in the Greek New Testament manuscripts of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. In many modern English translations of the Bible, harpazo is translated; "caught up", or "taken away".

    "Harpazo" \har-pad'-zo\ Koine Greek; "forcibly snatched away", "taken for oneself".

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