
If the Republicans are running a creationist for Vice-President.. ?

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Does that mean that voting against them is voting against ignorance, bigotry and flat-earth idiocy?




  1. Ugh... next question- THAT MAKES ANY SENSE WHAT SO EVER.

    Stop asking these stupid questions.  You only make YOURSELF look stupid- not the candidate you're doing a poor job of attacking.

  2. So they are sinking to Iranian fundamental outlook then, I guess.

    So let the ignorant fight, as long as they do not draw Europe into a war.

  3. She believes in Intelligent Design. That is different from creationism.

    I'm sure you would be for her if she claimed aliens from outer space brought evolution to this planet.

    Religious beliefs are not a sign of ignorance.

  4. No...Voting for McCain/Palin is voting for character and experience.

  5. No, it doesn't.

    Are you saying you hate people who believe in God? Wouldn't that be bigotry?

  6. nice to see "tolerance" is still alive and well in the liberal ranks..

  7. Look, I know this is hard for nonAmericans to understand, but this is the USA -- we're tolerant to the beliefs of others.  We were founded on it because we left a regime that persecuted people for believing differently.  

    Palin has never said that she believes in 'creationism' and she's never attempted to make legislation that forces schools to teach it.  

    It's time the UK evolved and stopped its intolerance of others.

  8. Go ahead and take that mentality to the polling booth and see what happens

  9. No voting for them is voting for a team that represents America First.  That is not in the bible, that is in the constitution, "All enemies foreign and domestic."

  10. Nearly Two-thirds of U.S. Adults Believe Human Beings Were Created by God.

    Voting against them is your choice but calling them names is dumb.

  11. Gimme a break.. Is there intelligence behind life? That's the creationist stance. Unfortunately in many cases the answer is no or they wouldn't fall for the weird and wacky theory which says nothing exploded into everything and the whale evolved into the cow, to quote a tiny bit of the strange adult myth and fairy tale of these days, which has no supporting data, just out dated fantasies.

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