
If the Republicans get their way with religion in schools (Bible in class) what will the Muslims do?

by Guest32629  |  earlier

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Muslims go to our schools in Mt Clemens Michigan. Do we teach them the bible?




  1. What about the non Muslim atheists, such as my self, who would be p issed if religion was taught in schools.  Its bad enough that they are taught in private schools (such as mine) but now they want it in public schools.  We are a free nation, not a Christian nation.  

  2. That would be a gross contradiction of the constitution. No one religion will be dominate over the others. And that goes for all christians by the way. There are so many different denominations that it would become utter chaos. Baptists would be up in arms if a Lutheran was teaching their kids the bible. Sorry to say but they all see it a little differently.

  3. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    1st amendment. It's unconstitutional for them to do that.  

  4. Of course, why would you deny any child knowledge? Learning about something doesn't mean you will be converted, just knowledge of someones beliefs...I cannot see anything wrong with that.


    They would not be teaching religion (go to church for that) just giving knowledge. And they should as well with the Muslim religion and all other main ones. What do Buddhist believe?,, I confess I am not sure but it would have been nice to learn, I might understand the Tibetan problem better.

  5. Yes.

    Sorry. It's a free country, so they may worship however they want in their own homes. However, it's a Christian country, so they'll have to deal with that.

    Trust me, if I went to an Islamic country in the Middle East and asked for a Christian Church and for my Christian rights in one of their schools, I would be annihilated.  

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