
If the Speaker of the House is forced to become President , does he/she have to be an American born citizen?

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If the Speaker of the House is forced to become President , does he/she have to be an American born citizen?




  1. Of course. The President of the United States, according to the constitution has to be born in American land, be 35 or older and has lived at least 14  years in the US prior to becoming president. For example even if there is a kid whose parents are illegal, he can still become president if he was born in the United STates. For example, Arnold Scharswtnegger, dang it I cant spell his name cant become president even though he is now American because he was born in some European country.

  2. yes, that is one of the few requirements to become President. If the Speaker of the House is not an American citizen, natural born, then the would be skipped and the Senate Pro Tempore would be it. (if not SPT, then someone else)

  3. anyone assuming the office of the president, must be born American, that includes a birth out of the borders of the united states, but by American citizen parents

  4. yes

  5. you have to  be an American born citizen to be in line for the presidential seat.

  6. Yes and over 35

  7. Absolutely.

  8. Yes..

    It is all in the line of succesion.

    If the speaker of the house is not an american citizen, they would skip to the next person in the order of succesion to become president..

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