
If the Theory of Evolution and Creationism is wrong, where did we come from?

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Lots of people can't accept Darwin's Theory of Evolution, mainly because, out of the millions of samples of fossils we have found so far, not a single one shows any evidence of 'mediation' (which means (the evolutioist's most hated words), "missing links"). Plus the "sudden" appearance and disappearance of the various human species, and the vast differences between the human being and any other creature on Earth (we wear clothes, for example).

And, surely, if a 'God' (being an, all powerful and 'perfect' entity) had created us and the Earth, we, and it also, would be 'perfect' (i.e. no deseases, no suffering, no bad people, no murderous catastrophic events like the Tsunami, etc etc.) And since there's not a single scrap of solid evidence to prove that Creation is right, many people can't accept that either!

So, Just where did we come from?




  1. i one of the person  cannot accept the Darwin theory,i believe god make human from solid surface of earth and give us a soul , that is what  Muslim learn from al-Koran and i believe bible also wrote the same things

  2. We all popped out of Budda's butt!Then Allah stole us all & Jesus came to claim us & made The Roman & Greek Gods & Godesses  ticked off so they left!

    Just ask the Muslims & Athiests!They are always right!

  3. The idea of there being a missing link is a bit off too.  Evolution doesn't have a's like the roots of a tree that all meet at the trunk.

  4. Even though we havnt found the 'missing link' yet, evidence shows the evolving nature of all set species through time. Evolution is real and has shown us it is real even through the alst 100 years. We've gone from homo sapiens to homo faber in a blink of an eye.

    Now, as to where we have come from, it could have been all theories or none. People are all threorists out there talking about God, to evolutions, to aliens.

    But however we started, we did evolve otherwise how come there isnt any written account of the beginning? If humans hadnt evolved, then how did the brain get smarter and evolve to knowing who we are, writing our accounts down on paper?

  5. The only other idea I've heard others talk about is that alien put us here. I don't know if they mean all lifeforms or just people. And they haven't come up with a theory of how the aliens came into existence.

    If's it by God's doing, we will ALL find out after we die.  If it's just by pure chance and it took billions of years for a one-celled organism in the ocean to evolve into a human being, then when we die, that'll be it and we'll never know for sure. because no one will be able to come back from death and write about our true origin.

  6. There are plenty of "missing links" and intermediary species.  h**l, H. sapiens is an intermediary species.  Evolution is a verifiable fact, unless you talk to fundamentalists.

  7. We are all just a figment of George W Bush's imagination...

  8. The theory of evolution can not be wrong. It is proven by facts and scientific research.

  9. First off, creationism is wrong.  There is no evidence supporting it, and in fact, ALL evidence points against it.  Instead, it points toward evolution.  So, unless this massive quantity of accumulating evidence (including "missing link" fossils) was created by Satan to test our faith - yes some people actually believe that - there is no doubt that we have evolved.  There should not be such a big controversy about this.  It is surprising and an embarrassing for me as an American that there is a continuing debate between evolutionists and creationists.  Are we really that stupid?

  10. you could say that god created evolution!!! or that evolution is a product of the humans creative mind !!! but no one knows for sure and i believe that if! god did create us , that he put all these mysteries in place just to puzzle us , and make us ask the questions like that , that you have asked???

  11. I think Kolya K is a little mixed up.  If it evolution was proven with facts, it wouldn't still be a theory.

    You said, "And, surely, if a 'God' (being an, all powerful and 'perfect' entity) had created us and the Earth, we, and it also, would be 'perfect' (i.e. no deseases, no suffering, no bad people, no murderous catastrophic events like the Tsunami, etc etc.)".

    According to the Bible, God did indeed create a perfect earth with no sickness, etc.  But Adam decided follow his wife and do exactly what God told him not to do.  By disobeying God, he renounced the lordship of God over himself and every child born to him after that, and instead chose to have Satan as his lord.  (That is one consistent strain in all of the Bible--that God gave humanity the freedom of choice.  That being said, the consequences of our choices still have to be faced.)

    Also according to the Bible, Satan is the "prince and the power of the air."  It is commonly believed that if there is a Satan, he is in h**l.  Quite on the contrary, the Bible says he has the lordship over this earth and the people in it.  According to the Bible, Satan's purpose is to "steal, kill and destroy."  So if we're going to be blaming anyone for catastrophe, disease, and the evils of mankind, let's put it where it belongs--Satan ultimately, and Adam for choosing to renounce God and let Satan rule.  I guess you could say Adam was the first Satanist.  (And if you continue reading about Adam's life, you'll see how it progressed.)

    Let's put it another way.  God can't help someone who doesn't want His help, since the option is still up to us whether to follow Him or not.  However, the consequences for sin still apply.

    As far as where we came from, I believe we are indeed formed in the image of God, by God.

    Cat:  Genesis is a written account of the beginning.

  12. Too bad Kolya K misiterprets facts with belief.

    Evolution is every bit a religion as Budism, Islam, Judaism or Christianity.

    The reason why he believes in his religion of Evolution is the same reason why the other aforementioned religions believe they are correct.

    Faith, baby! Nuthin' but Faith!

  13. You have been reading too much creationism.  There are numerous intermediate species.  Just the other day, I heard of a the ancestor of the tyrannosaurs being discovered in China.  The fossil evidence is sparse.   The only response you will hear from the creationists is "well where is the intermediate form between that one and the older tyrannosaurs?"  It seems the truth is not something they are interested in, only specious arguments.


    Maybe we beamed down from Mars :)

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