
If the Tories reckon there is no excuse for obesity, then where does that leave Kenneth Clarke?

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Just wondering...




  1. Being fat does not necessarily make a person inactive.  Ken Clarke is of the bruiser type, so too is 2-Jags.

    In any event, it's no d**n business of the politicians if the people want to eat 5 hamburgers per day, likewise, it's no business of the doctors either.

    I just wish these people would shut-up and let us get on with living our lives instead of constantly harking on about how fat we have become.

    We all know the real cause of overweight kids don't we?  Yes, it's the government's fault.  Why?  Because they allowed local authorities to sell of school playing fields to pay for books and such.

    Another thing too, Labour have completely removed the word 'competition' from any kind of schooling over which they have control, result, kids no longer compete against each other, so that when they come into the world of work they are suddenly confronted with something they have no training for.  The world of competition and cut and thrust of the world of work.

    Dead simple, get fit or flop.  Compete with others for jobs and everything else in life including a mate, partner etc.

    The root cause of all of the problems in UK is the Labour party.  It has taken political control of a number of boroughs over the years and it has systematically destroyed them with Labour social experimentation.

    The seaside town of Hastings where I grew up in the 1950s is a case in point.  Now, because Labour are in control of that town, death stalks the streets.

    One imagines that the BNP are also gaining ground there too.

  2. Looking prettier than Hazel Blears

  3. What concerns me is this constant need to micro manage every aspect of people's lives from cradle to grave and this need to make people feel bad about themselves in order to control people....

    Clarke, Brown, and Prezza and the rest of Parliament's fatties will just have to leave the big brother house.

  4. And dear old Soames. That blighter makes me look slim. Good chap y'know Winston's grandson, in the blood y'know what!  

  5. Rich enough to pay for his own medical treatment, obesity or no obesity?

    Seriously they said no such thing, they just stated the obvious in a beligernet and offensive way.  Some overweight and obese people can't just lose the weight due to medical problems.  Most of us just lack willpower and discipline.

  6. There is no excuse for the Tory Party, either.

  7. or Winston Churchill!

  8. Eric Pickles isn't exactly ignorant to the joys of the pie, either !!

  9. Or John Prescott the Cassius Clay of the north.

  10. If you have a look around at a lot of the Tories in both the Commons and the Lords, Kenneth Clarke is slimmer than many.

    The hypocrisy of the Tory front bench never ceases to amaze me.  Our main problem at the moment is that Labour is almost as bad, and because a lot of voters are fed up with the government, their turning to the Tories despite the fact that they are even worse, because they feel there's no other realistic alternative.

  11. It leaves him with no excuse.

  12. Stuffed - quite literally, but still the best Chancellor that this country has seen in decades

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